The jammed phase of the Biham-Middleton-Levine traffic model.
We show that for percolation on any transitive graph, the triangle condition implies the open triangle condition.
We construct a class of conformally invariant measures on sets (or paths) and we study the critical exponents called intersection exponents associated to these measures. We show that these exponents exist and that they correspond to intersection exponents between planar Brownian motions. More precisely, using the definitions and results of our paper [27], we show that any set defined under such a conformal invariant measure behaves exactly as a pack (containing maybe a non-integer number) of Brownian...
There has been much success in describing the limiting spatial fluctuations of growth models in the Kardar–Parisi–Zhang (KPZ) universality class. A proper rescaling of time should introduce a non-trivial temporal dimension to these limiting fluctuations. In one-dimension, the KPZ class has the dynamical scaling exponent z = 3/2, that means one should find a universal space–time limiting process under the scaling of time as tT, space like t2/3X and fluctuations like t1/3 as t → ∞. In this paper we...