Displaying 61 – 80 of 85

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Interval linear regression analysis based on Minkowski difference – a bridge between traditional and interval linear regression models

Masahiro Inuiguchi, Tetsuzo Tanino (2006)


In this paper, we extend the traditional linear regression methods to the (numerical input)-(interval output) data case assuming both the observation/measurement error and the indeterminacy of the input-output relationship. We propose three different models based on three different assumptions of interval output data. In each model, the errors are defined as intervals by solving the interval equation representing the relationship among the interval output, the interval function and the interval...

Interval matrices with Monge property

Martin Černý (2020)

Applications of Mathematics

We generalize the Monge property of real matrices for interval matrices. We define two classes of interval matrices with the Monge property---in a strong and a weak sense. We study the fundamental properties of both types. We show several different characterizations of the strong Monge property. For the weak Monge property, we give a polynomial description and several sufficient and necessary conditions. For both classes, we study closure properties. We further propose a generalization of an algorithm...

Interval valued bimatrix games

Milan Hladík (2010)


Payoffs in (bimatrix) games are usually not known precisely, but it is often possible to determine lower and upper bounds on payoffs. Such interval valued bimatrix games are considered in this paper. There are many questions arising in this context. First, we discuss the problem of existence of an equilibrium being common for all instances of interval values. We show that this property is equivalent to solvability of a certain linear mixed integer system of equations and inequalities. Second, we...

Inverse modelling of image-based patient-specific blood vessels: zero-pressure geometry and in vivo stress incorporation

Joris Bols, Joris Degroote, Bram Trachet, Benedict Verhegghe, Patrick Segers, Jan Vierendeels (2013)

ESAIM: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis - Modélisation Mathématique et Analyse Numérique

In vivo visualization of cardiovascular structures is possible using medical images. However, one has to realize that the resulting 3D geometries correspond to in vivo conditions. This entails an internal stress state to be present in the in vivo measured geometry of e.g. a blood vessel due to the presence of the blood pressure. In order to correct for this in vivo stress, this paper presents an inverse method to restore the original zero-pressure geometry of a structure, and to recover the in vivo...

Inverse problem in engineering plasticity: a quadratic programming approach

Giulio Maier (1981)

Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali. Rendiconti Lincei. Matematica e Applicazioni

Si considera un modello discreto (per elementi finiti) di un solido o un sistema strutturale perfettamente elastoplastico, con condizioni di snervamento «linearizzate a tratti», nell’ipotesi di olonomia assunta per processi di caricamento proporzionali. Supponendo noti su base sperimentale certi spostamenti sotto assegnate azioni esterne, si formula il problema di identificare i limiti di snervamento, ossia le resistenze locali. Si dimostra che questo problema inverso di meccanica strutturale non...

Currently displaying 61 – 80 of 85