A Cyclic Projection Algorithm Via Duality.
In this paper, we consider a new non-interior continuation method for the solution of nonlinear complementarity problem with -function (-NCP). The proposed algorithm is based on a smoothing symmetric perturbed minimum function (SSPM-function), and one only needs to solve one system of linear equations and to perform only one Armijo-type line search at each iteration. The method is proved to possess global and local convergence under weaker conditions. Preliminary numerical results indicate that...
The systems of an arbitrary number of linear inequalities OVer a real locally convex space have been classified in three classes, namely: consistent, weakly inconsistent and strongly inconsistent, i.e. having ordinary solutions, weak solutions or notsolutions respectively. In this paper, the third type is divided in two classes: strict-strongly and quasi-strongly inconsistent and is given a topology over a quotient space of the set of systems over finite- dimensional spaces, that yields a set of...
En este artículo aplicamos la condición de Mazur-Orlicz para extender a espacios normados algunos resultados de consistencia de desigualdades lineales (s.d.l.) en Rn. Asimismo, obtenemos condiciones para la consistencia de s.d.l. en un espacio localmente convexo, cuando las soluciones pertenecen a ciertos subconjuntos del dual topológico.
Let X be a partially ordered real Banach space, a,b ∈ X with a ≤ b. Let ϕ be a bounded linear functional on X. We call X a Ben-Israel-Charnes space (or a B-C space) if the linear program defined by Maximize ϕ(x) subject to a ≤ x ≤ b has an optimal solution for any ϕ, a and b. Such problems arise naturally in solving a class of problems known as Interval Linear Programs. B-C spaces were introduced in the author's doctoral thesis and were subsequently studied in [8] and [9]. In this article, we review...