Displaying 581 – 600 of 612

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Approximation, estimation and control of stochastic systems under a randomized discounted cost criterion

Juan González-Hernández, Raquiel R. López-Martínez, J. Adolfo Minjárez-Sosa (2009)


The paper deals with a class of discrete-time stochastic control processes under a discounted optimality criterion with random discount rate, and possibly unbounded costs. The state process x t and the discount process α t evolve according to the coupled difference equations x t + 1 = F ( x t , α t , a t , ξ t ) , α ...

Approximation of the pareto optimal set for multiobjective optimal control problems using viability kernels

Alexis Guigue (2014)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

This paper provides a convergent numerical approximation of the Pareto optimal set for finite-horizon multiobjective optimal control problems in which the objective space is not necessarily convex. Our approach is based on Viability Theory. We first introduce a set-valued return function V and show that the epigraph of V equals the viability kernel of a certain related augmented dynamical system. We then introduce an approximate set-valued return function with finite set-values as the solution of...

Approximative solutions of stochastic optimization problems

Petr Lachout (2010)


The aim of this paper is to present some ideas how to relax the notion of the optimal solution of the stochastic optimization problem. In the deterministic case, ε -minimal solutions and level-minimal solutions are considered as desired relaxations. We call them approximative solutions and we introduce some possibilities how to combine them with randomness. Relations among random versions of approximative solutions and their consistency are presented in this paper. No measurability is assumed, therefore,...

Asignación de recursos Max-Min: propiedades y algoritmos.

Amparo Mármol Conde, Blas Pelegrín Pelegrín (1991)

Trabajos de Investigación Operativa

Este trabajo trata el problema de asignación de recursos cuando el objetivo es maximizar la mínima recompensa y las funciones recompensa son continuas y estrictamente crecientes. Se estudian diferentes propiedades que conducen a algoritmos que permiten de forma eficiente la resolución de gran variedad de problemas de esta naturaleza, tanto con variables continuas como discretas.

Asymptotic analysis, existence and sensitivity results for a class of multivalued complementarity problems

Fabián Flores-Bazán, Rubén López (2006)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

In this work we study the multivalued complementarity problem on the non-negative orthant. This is carried out by describing the asymptotic behavior of the sequence of approximate solutions to its multivalued variational inequality formulation. By introducing new classes of multifunctions we provide several existence (possibly allowing unbounded solution set), stability as well as sensitivity results which extend and generalize most of the existing ones in the literature. We also present some kind...

Asymptotic behavior of second-order dissipative evolution equations combining potential with non-potential effects

Hedy Attouch, Paul-Émile Maingé (2011)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

In the setting of a real Hilbert space , we investigate the asymptotic behavior, as time t goes to infinity, of trajectories of second-order evolution equations            ü(t) + γ u ˙ (t) + ∇ϕ(u(t)) + A(u(t)) = 0, where ∇ϕ is the gradient operator of a convex differentiable potential function ϕ: ,A: is a maximal monotone operator which is assumed to beλ-cocoercive, and γ > 0 is a damping parameter. Potential and non-potential effects are associated respectively to ∇ϕ and A. Under condition...

Asymptotic behavior of second-order dissipative evolution equations combining potential with non-potential effects*

Hedy Attouch, Paul-Émile Maingé (2011)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

In the setting of a real Hilbert space , we investigate the asymptotic behavior, as time t goes to infinity, of trajectories of second-order evolution equations            ü(t) + γ u ˙ (t) + ∇ϕ(u(t)) + A(u(t)) = 0, where ∇ϕ is the gradient operator of a convex differentiable potential function ϕ : , A : is a maximal monotone operator which is assumed to be λ-cocoercive, and γ > 0 is a damping parameter. Potential and non-potential effects are associated respectively to ∇ϕ and A. Under condition...

Asymptotic differential approximation ratio: Definitions, motivations and application to some combinatorial problems

Marc Demange, Vangelis Th. Paschos (2010)

RAIRO - Operations Research

We first motivate and define a notion of asymptotic differential approximation ratio. For this, we introduce a new class of problems called radial problems including in particular the hereditary ones. Next, we validate the definition of the asymptotic differential approximation ratio by proving positive, conditional and negative approximation results for some combinatorial problems. We first derive a differential approximation analysis of a classical greedy algorithm for bin packing, the “first...

Currently displaying 581 – 600 of 612