Economic Modelling and Theory of Fuzzy Sets Appliccation in Macroeconomic Planning Within the Process of Transition
We employ a natural method from the perspective of the optimal stopping theory to analyze entry-exit decisions with implementation delay of a project, and provide closed expressions for optimal entry decision times, optimal exit decision times, and the maximal expected present value of the project. The results in conventional research were obtained under the restriction that the sum of the entry cost and exit cost is nonnegative. In practice, we may meet cases when this sum is negative, so it is...
En este trabajo consideramos el problema de la evaluación multiatributo en términos de una función de valor vectorial que conduce a un espacio de criterios en el que suponemos es posible obtener información parcial secuencial sobre las preferencias la cual se traduce en conos definidos sobre el espacio de criterios. También consideramos dentro del esquema señalado la situación en la cual el decisor parte de un subconjunto del conjunto total de decisiones, introduciendo el conjunto K-eficiente aproximado...
In this paper, we develop some stochastic dominance theorems for the location and scale family and linear combinations of random variables and for risk lovers as well as risk averters that extend results in Hadar and Russell (1971) and Tesfatsion (1976). The results are discussed and applied to decision-making.