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Power analysis of voting by count and account

Midori Hirokawa, Milan Vlach (2006)


Using players’ Shapley–Shubik power indices, Peleg [4] proved that voting by count and account is more egalitarian than voting by account. In this paper, we show that a stronger shift in power takes place when the voting power of players is measured by their Shapley–Shubik indices. Moreover, we prove that analogous power shifts also occur with respect to the absolute Banzhaf and the absolute Johnston power indices.

Préférences et rationalité stochastiques

Pascal Bouyaux (1990)

Mathématiques et Sciences Humaines

Le but de cet article est de procéder à une présentation pédagogique d'un concept étendu de rationalité, la rationalité stochastique. Dans une première partie, nous exposons le problème à l'aide d'un exemple simple et posons un ensemble de définitions préliminaires. Puis, dans une seconde partie, nous présentons le résultat fondamental de Falmagne (1978) s'appliquant aux situations de choix multiples ; l'approche ensembliste de cet auteur est formalisée à partir du concept de polynômes de Block-Marschak...

Probabilistic comparison of weighted majority rules

Daniel Berend, Luba Bromberg, Luba Sapir (2012)

Applicationes Mathematicae

This paper studies a bi-parametric family of decision rules, so-called restricted distinguished chairman rules, which contains several one-parameter classes of rules considered previously in the literature. Roughly speaking, these rules apply to a variety of situations where the original committee appoints a subcommittee. Moreover, the chairman of the subcommittee, who is supposed to be the most competent committee member, may have more voting power than other jurors. Under the assumption of exponentially...

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