A stability test for real polynomials.
In this paper, we consider a distributed stochastic computation of with local set constraints over an multi-agent system, where each agent over the network only knows a few rows or columns of matrixes. Through formulating an equivalent distributed optimization problem for seeking least-squares solutions of , we propose a distributed stochastic mirror-descent algorithm for solving the equivalent distributed problem. Then, we provide the sublinear convergence of the proposed algorithm. Moreover,...
In a Discounted Markov Decision Process (DMDP) with finite action sets the Value Iteration Algorithm, under suitable conditions, leads to an optimal policy in a finite number of steps. Determining an upper bound on the necessary number of steps till gaining convergence is an issue of great theoretical and practical interest as it would provide a computationally feasible stopping rule for value iteration as an algorithm for finding an optimal policy. In this paper we find such a bound depending only...
In this paper, we study decentralized feedback control systems with quantized signals in local input-output (control) channels. We first assume that a decentralized output feedback controller has been designed for a multi-channel continuous-time system so that the closed-loop system is Hurwitz stable and a desired disturbance attenuation level is achieved. However, since the local measurement outputs are quantized by a general quantizer before they are passed to the controller, the system’s...
In this report, a control method for the stabilization of periodic orbits for a class of one- and two-dimensional discrete-time systems that are topologically conjugate to symbolic dynamical systems is proposed and applied to a population model in an ecosystem and the Smale horseshoe map. A periodic orbit is assigned as a target by giving a sequence in which symbols have periodicity. As a consequence, it is shown that any periodic orbits can be globally stabilized by using arbitrarily small control...
This paper presents several new results on the inversion of full normal rank nonsquare polynomial matrices. New analytical right/left inverses of polynomial matrices are introduced, including the so-called τ-inverses, σ-inverses and, in particular, S-inverses, the latter providing the most general tool for the design of various polynomial matrix inverses. The applicationoriented problem of selecting stable inverses is also solved. Applications in inverse-model control, in particular robust minimum...
This paper considers the problem of swinging up the Furuta pendulum and proposes a new smooth nonlinear swing up controller based on the concept of energy. This new controller results from the Total Energy Control System (TECS) approach in conjunction with a linearizing feedback controller. The new controller commands to the desired reference the total energy rate of the Furuta pendulum; thus, the Furuta pendulum oscillates and reaches a neighborhood of its unstable configuration while the rotation...
In this Note, applying our recent Theorem 3.1 of [7], we prove that suitable perturbations of a completely controllable linear control system, do not affect the controllability of the system.
In this paper, the tracking control problem for a class of discrete-time nonlinear Lur’e systems with time-varying delays and external disturbances is studied via a preview control method. First, a novel translation approach is introduced to construct the augmented error system for Lur’e systems. The output tracking problem is thereby transformed into a guaranteed cost controller design problem. To produce an integral control action that can eliminate the static error, a discrete integrator is...