Boundary value problems and periodic solutions for semilinear evolution inclusions
We consider boundary value problems for semilinear evolution inclusions. We establish the existence of extremal solutions. Using that result, we show that the evolution inclusion has periodic extremal trajectories. These results are then applied to closed loop control systems. Finally, an example of a semilinear parabolic distributed parameter control system is worked out in detail.
Boundary value problems arising in Kalman filtering.
Boundary-influenced robust controls: two network examples
We consider the differential game associated with robust control of a system in a compact state domain, using Skorokhod dynamics on the boundary. A specific class of problems motivated by queueing network control is considered. A constructive approach to the Hamilton-Jacobi-Isaacs equation is developed which is based on an appropriate family of extremals, including boundary extremals for which the Skorokhod dynamics are active. A number of technical lemmas and a structured verification theorem...
Bounded-input-bounded-state stabilization of switched processes and periodic asymptotic controllability
The main result of this paper is a sufficient condition for the existence of periodic switching signals which render asymptotically stable at the origin a linear switched process defined by a pair of real matrices. The interest of this result is motivated by the application to the problem of bounded-input-bounded-state (with respect to an external input) stabilization of linear switched processes.
Boundedness and stability for discrete-time delayed neural network with complex-valued linear threshold neurons.
Bounding the output error in a buck power converter using perturbation theory.
Bounds of the matrix eigenvalues and its exponential by Lyapunov equation
We are concerned with bounds of the matrix eigenvalues and its exponential. Combining the Lyapunov equation with the weighted logarithmic matrix norm technique, four sequences are presented to locate eigenvalues of a matrix. Based on the relations between the real parts of the eigenvalues and the weighted logarithmic matrix norms, we derive both lower and upper bounds of the matrix exponential, which complement and improve the existing results in the literature. Some numerical examples are also...
Brain-like functor control machine for general humanoid biodynamics.
Brève communication. Contrôlabilité de systèmes linéaires par des commandes Bang-Bang
Brève communication. Sur la commande en temps minimum du système
Building Mathematical Models and Biological Insight in an Introductory Biology Course
A growing body of literature testifies to the importance of quantitative reasoning skills in the 21st-century biology curriculum, and to the learning benefits associated with active pedagogies. The process of modeling a biological system provides an approach that integrates mathematical skills and higher-order thinking with existing course content knowledge. We describe a general strategy for teaching model-building in an introductory biology course,...
Burgers' equation with nonlinear boundary feedback: stability, well-posedness and simulation.
Bursting scenaria in adaptive algorithms: performance limitations and some remedies