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Falseness of the finiteness property of the spectral subradius

Adam Czornik, Piotr Jurgas (2007)

International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science

We prove that there exist infinitely may values of the real parameter α for which the exact value of the spectral subradius of the set of two matrices (one matrix with ones above and on the diagonal and zeros elsewhere, and one matrix with α below and on the diagonal and zeros elsewhere, both matrices having two rows and two columns) cannot be calculated in a finite number of steps. Our proof uses only elementary facts from the theory of formal languages and from linear algebra, but it is not constructive...

Finite-dimensionality of information states in optimal control of stochastic systems: a Lie algebraic approach

Charalambos D. Charalambous (1998)


In this paper we introduce the sufficient statistic algebra which is responsible for propagating the sufficient statistic, or information state, in the optimal control of stochastic systems. Certain Lie algebraic methods widely used in nonlinear control theory, are then employed to derive finite- dimensional controllers. The sufficient statistic algebra enables us to determine a priori whether there exist finite-dimensional controllers; it also enables us to classify all finite-dimensional controllers....

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