Self bounded controlled invariants for singular systems
We propose an efficient method for finding a Chebyshev-best soluble approximation to an insoluble system of linear equations over max-plus algebra.
The matrix pencil completion problem introduced in [J. J. Loiseau, S. Mondié, I. Zaballa, and P. Zagalak: Assigning the Kronecker invariants to a matrix pencil by row or column completions. Linear Algebra Appl. 278 (1998)] is reconsidered and the latest results achieved in that field are discussed.
The problem of model matching by state feedback is reconsidered and some of the latest results are discussed.
In this article, we compare different types of representations for series with coefficients in complete idempotent semirings. Each of these representations was introduced to solve a particular problem. We show how they are or are not included one in the other and we present a common generalization of them.
We study in this paper Algebraic Riccati Equations associated with single-input single-output linear time-invariant systems bounded in -norm. Our study is focused in the characterization of families of Algebraic Riccati Equations in terms of strictly positive real (of zero relative degree) substitutions applied to the associated -norm bounded system, each substitution characterizing then a particular member of the family. We also consider here Algebraic Riccati Equations associated with systems...
The problem of finding an input-output representation of a nonlinear state space system, usually referred to as the state elimination, plays an important role in certain control problems. Though, it has been shown that such a representation, at least locally, always exists for both the systems with and without delays, it might be a neutral input-output differential equation in the former case, even when one starts with a retarded system. In this paper the state elimination is therefore extended...
In this paper the tools of pseudo-linear algebra are applied to the realization problem, allowing to unify the study of the continuous- and discrete-time nonlinear control systems under a single algebraic framework. The realization of nonlinear input-output equation, defined in terms of the pseudo-linear operator, in the classical state-space form is addressed by the polynomial approach in which the system is described by two polynomials from the non-commutative ring of skew polynomials. This allows...