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Decentralized control of interconnected linear systems with delayed states

Carlos E. de Souza (2001)


This paper addresses the problems of stability analysis and decentralized control of interconnected linear systems with constant time-delays in the state of each subsystems as well as in the interconnections. We develop delay- dependent methods of stability analysis and decentralized stabilization via linear memoryless state-feedback. The proposed methods are given in terms of linear matrix inequalities. Extensions of the decentralized stabilization result to more complex control problems, such...

Decentralized design of interconnected H feedback control systems with quantized signals

Guisheng Zhai, Ning Chen, Weihua Gui (2013)

International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science

In this paper, we consider the design of interconnected H feedback control systems with quantized signals. We assume that a decentralized dynamic output feedback has been designed for an interconnected continuous-time LTI system so that the closed-loop system is stable and a desired H disturbance attenuation level is achieved, and that the subsystem measurement outputs are quantized before they are passed to the local controllers. We propose a local-output-dependent strategy for updating the parameters...

Design of robust gain scheduled controller using L 2 gain performance

Vojtech Veselý, Martin Ernek (2018)


This paper is devoted to robust gain scheduled PID controller design with L 2 performance for the linear time varying (LPV) uncertain system with polytopic uncertainties. The novel approach of robust controller design ensures that the obtained design procedure is convex with respect to both plant uncertainties (polytopic system) and gain scheduling parameters and gives less conservative results. Modified design procedure should be used to obtain a robust controller or robust switched controller (ideal,...

Dual-terminal event triggered control for cyber-physical systems under false data injection attacks

Zhiwen Wang, Xiangnan Xu, Hongtao Sun, Long Li (2020)


This paper deals with the problem of security-based dynamic output feedback control of cyber-physical systems (CPSs) with the dual-terminal event triggered mechanisms (DT-ETM) under false data injection (FDI) attacks. Considering the limited attack energy, FDI attacks taking place in transmission channels are modeled as extra bounded disturbances for the resulting closed-loop system, thus enabling H performance analysis with a suitable ϱ attenuation level. Then two buffers at the controller and...

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