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A tight bound for exhaustive key search attacks against Message Authentication Codes

Vinícius G. P. de SÁ, Davidson R. Boccardo, Luiz Fernando Rust, Raphael C. S. Machado (2013)

RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications - Informatique Théorique et Applications

A Message Authentication Code (MAC) is a function that takes a message and a key as parameters and outputs an authentication of the message. MAC are used to guarantee the legitimacy of messages exchanged through a network, since generating a correct authentication requires the knowledge of the key defined secretly by trusted parties. However, an attacker with access to a sufficiently large number of message/authentication pairs may use a brute force algorithm to infer the secret key: from a set...

Bounds on guessing numbers and secret sharing combining information theory methods

Emirhan Gürpınar (2024)


This paper is on developing some computer-assisted proof methods involving non-classical inequalities for Shannon entropy. Two areas of the applications of information inequalities are studied: Secret sharing schemes and hat guessing games. In the former a random secret value is transformed into shares distributed among several participants in such a way that only the qualified groups of participants can recover the secret value. In the latter each participant is assigned a hat colour and they try...

Deciding knowledge in security protocols under some e-voting theories

Mouhebeddine Berrima, Narjes Ben Rajeb, Véronique Cortier (2011)

RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications - Informatique Théorique et Applications

In the last decade, formal methods have proved their interest when analyzing security protocols. Security protocols require in particular to reason about the attacker knowledge. Two standard notions are often considered in formal approaches: deducibility and indistinguishability relations. The first notion states whether an attacker can learn the value of a secret, while the latter states whether an attacker can notice some difference between protocol runs with different values of the secret. Several...

Deciding knowledge in security protocols under some e-voting theories

Mouhebeddine Berrima, Narjes Ben Rajeb, Véronique Cortier (2011)

RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications

In the last decade, formal methods have proved their interest when analyzing security protocols. Security protocols require in particular to reason about the attacker knowledge. Two standard notions are often considered in formal approaches: deducibility and indistinguishability relations. The first notion states whether an attacker can learn the value of a secret, while the latter states whether an attacker can notice some difference between protocol runs with different values of the secret. Several...

Improving the Watermarking Process with Usage of Block Error-Correcting Codes

Berger, Thierry, Todorov, Todor (2008)

Serdica Journal of Computing

The emergence of digital imaging and of digital networks has made duplication of original artwork easier. Watermarking techniques, also referred to as digital signature, sign images by introducing changes that are imperceptible to the human eye but easily recoverable by a computer program. Usage of error correcting codes is one of the good choices in order to correct possible errors when extracting the signature. In this paper, we present a scheme of error correction based on a combination of Reed-Solomon...

Infinite probabilistic secret sharing

Laszlo Csirmaz (2023)


A probabilistic secret sharing scheme is a joint probability distribution of the shares and the secret together with a collection of secret recovery functions. The study of schemes using arbitrary probability spaces and unbounded number of participants allows us to investigate their abstract properties, to connect the topic to other branches of mathematics, and to discover new design paradigms. A scheme is perfect if unqualified subsets have no information on the secret, that is, their total share...

On Graph-Based Cryptography and Symbolic Computations

V. A., Ustimenko (2007)

Serdica Journal of Computing

We have been investigating the cryptographical properties of in nite families of simple graphs of large girth with the special colouring of vertices during the last 10 years. Such families can be used for the development of cryptographical algorithms (on symmetric or public key modes) and turbocodes in error correction theory. Only few families of simple graphs of large unbounded girth and arbitrarily large degree are known. The paper is devoted to the more general theory of directed graphs of large...

On the anti–synchronization detection for the generalized Lorenz system and its applications to secure encryption

Volodymyr Lynnyk, Sergej Čelikovský (2010)


In this paper, a modified version of the Chaos Shift Keying (CSK) scheme for secure encryption and decryption of data will be discussed. The classical CSK method determines the correct value of binary signal through checking which initially unsynchronized system is getting synchronized. On the contrary, the new anti-synchronization CSK (ACSK) scheme determines the wrong value of binary signal through checking which already synchronized system is loosing synchronization. The ACSK scheme is implemented...

Secret sharing schemes for ports of matroids of rank 3

Oriol Farràs (2020)


A secret sharing scheme is ideal if the size of each share is equal to the size of the secret. Brickell and Davenport showed that the access structure of an ideal secret sharing scheme is determined by a matroid. Namely, the minimal authorized subsets of an ideal secret sharing scheme are in correspondence with the circuits of a matroid containing a fixed point. In this case, we say that the access structure is a matroid port. It is known that, for an access structure, being a matroid port is not...

Sender-equivocable encryption schemes secure against chosen-ciphertext attacks revisited

Zhengan Huang, Shengli Liu, Baodong Qin, Kefei Chen (2015)

International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science

Fehr et al. (2010) proposed the first sender-equivocable encryption scheme secure against chosen-ciphertext attacks (NCCCA) and proved that NC-CCA security implies security against selective opening chosen-ciphertext attacks (SO-CCA). The NC-CCA security proof of the scheme relies on security against substitution attacks of a new primitive, the “crossauthentication code”. However, the security of the cross-authentication code cannot be guaranteed when all the keys used in the code are exposed. Our...

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