Displaying 181 – 200 of 659

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Sliding-mode pinning control of complex networks

Oscar J. Suarez, Carlos J. Vega, Santiago Elvira-Ceja, Edgar N. Sanchez, David I. Rodriguez (2018)


In this paper, a novel approach for controlling complex networks is proposed; it applies sliding-mode pinning control for a complex network to achieve trajectory tracking. This control strategy does not require the network to have the same coupling strength on all edges; and for pinned nodes, the ones with the highest degree are selected. The illustrative example is composed of a network of 50 nodes; each node dynamics is a Chen chaotic attractor. Two cases are presented. For the first case the...

Small Ramsey numbers.

Radziszowski, Stanisław P. (1996)

The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics [electronic only]

Smooth and sharp thresholds for random k -XOR-CNF satisfiability

Nadia Creignou, Hervé Daudé (2003)

RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications - Informatique Théorique et Applications

The aim of this paper is to study the threshold behavior for the satisfiability property of a random k -XOR-CNF formula or equivalently for the consistency of a random Boolean linear system with k variables per equation. For k 3 we show the existence of a sharp threshold for the satisfiability of a random k -XOR-CNF formula, whereas there are smooth thresholds for k = 1 and k = 2 .

Smooth and sharp thresholds for random {k}-XOR-CNF satisfiability

Nadia Creignou, Hervé Daudé (2010)

RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications

The aim of this paper is to study the threshold behavior for the satisfiability property of a random k-XOR-CNF formula or equivalently for the consistency of a random Boolean linear system with k variables per equation. For k ≥ 3 we show the existence of a sharp threshold for the satisfiability of a random k-XOR-CNF formula, whereas there are smooth thresholds for k=1 and k=2.

Sobre la representación de un conjunto mediante árboles aditivos.

Antoni Arcas Pons (1987)


En este trabajo se estudia el problema de la representación de un conjunto mediante árboles aditivos, en el sentido de hallar una formalización que permita abordar el mismo desde la perspectiva general de los métodos geométricos de representación del análisis multivariante.

Sobre un cono convexo asociado a un grafo.

Juan García Laguna (1984)

Trabajos de Estadística e Investigación Operativa

En este artículo se construye un cono convexo sobre un grafo y se estudian las propiedades básicas de este cono convexo: dimensión, linealidad y sistemas minimales de generadores. El interés de esta situación tiene su origen en problemas de decisión, donde la información disponible está dada por órdenes parciales entre las componentes de la información. Sin embargo, el estudio realizado es independiente de los problemas de decisión que lo motivan.

Sofic groups are not locally embeddable into finite Moufang loops

Heghine Ghumashyan, Jaroslav Guričan (2022)

Mathematica Bohemica

We shall show that there exist sofic groups which are not locally embeddable into finite Moufang loops. These groups serve as counterexamples to a problem and two conjectures formulated in the paper by M. Vodička, P. Zlatoš (2019).

Currently displaying 181 – 200 of 659