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Billiard complexity in the hypercube

Nicolas Bedaride, Pascal Hubert (2007)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

We consider the billiard map in the hypercube of d . We obtain a language by coding the billiard map by the faces of the hypercube. We investigate the complexity function of this language. We prove that n 3 d - 3 is the order of magnitude of the complexity.

Binary and ternary relations

Vítězslav Novák, Miroslav Novotný (1992)

Mathematica Bohemica

Two operators are constructed which make it possible to transform ternary relations into binary relations defined on binary relations and vice versa. A possible graphical representation of ternary relations is described.

Binary codes and partial permutation decoding sets from the odd graphs

Washiela Fish, Roland Fray, Eric Mwambene (2014)

Open Mathematics

For k ≥ 1, the odd graph denoted by O(k), is the graph with the vertex-set Ωk, the set of all k-subsets of Ω = 1, 2, …, 2k +1, and any two of its vertices u and v constitute an edge [u, v] if and only if u ∩ v = /0. In this paper the binary code generated by the adjacency matrix of O(k) is studied. The automorphism group of the code is determined, and by identifying a suitable information set, a 2-PD-set of the order of k 4 is determined. Lastly, the relationship between the dual code from O(k)...

Binary segmentation and Bonferroni-type bounds

Michal Černý (2011)


We introduce the function Z ( x ; ξ , ν ) : = - x ϕ ( t - ξ ) · Φ ( ν t ) d t , where ϕ and Φ are the pdf and cdf of N ( 0 , 1 ) , respectively. We derive two recurrence formulas for the effective computation of its values. We show that with an algorithm for this function, we can efficiently compute the second-order terms of Bonferroni-type inequalities yielding the upper and lower bounds for the distribution of a max-type binary segmentation statistic in the case of small samples (where asymptotic results do not work), and in general for max-type random variables...

Binomial residues

Eduardo Cattani, Alicia Dickenstein, Bernd Sturmfels (2002)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

A binomial residue is a rational function defined by a hypergeometric integral whose kernel is singular along binomial divisors. Binomial residues provide an integral representation for rational solutions of A -hypergeometric systems of Lawrence type. The space of binomial residues of a given degree, modulo those which are polynomial in some variable, has dimension equal to the Euler characteristic of the matroid associated with A .

Binomial sums via Bailey's cubic transformation

Wenchang Chu (2023)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

By employing one of the cubic transformations (due to W. N. Bailey (1928)) for the 3 F 2 ( x ) -series, we examine a class of 3 F 2 ( 4 ) -series. Several closed formulae are established by means of differentiation, integration and contiguous relations. As applications, some remarkable binomial sums are explicitly evaluated, including one proposed recently as an open problem.

Bipartite graphs that are not circle graphs

André Bouchet (1999)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

The following result is proved: if a bipartite graph is not a circle graph, then its complement is not a circle graph. The proof uses Naji’s characterization of circle graphs by means of a linear system of equations with unknowns in GF ( 2 ) .At the end of this short note I briefly recall the work of François Jaeger on circle graphs.

Currently displaying 61 – 80 of 163