Displaying 801 – 820 of 8522

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A uniqueness result for 3 -homogeneous latin trades

Nicholas J. Cavenagh (2006)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

A latin trade is a subset of a latin square which may be replaced with a disjoint mate to obtain a new latin square. A k -homogeneous latin trade is one which intersects each row, each column and each entry of the latin square either 0 or k times. In this paper, we show that a construction given by Cavenagh, Donovan and Drápal for 3 -homogeneous latin trades in fact classifies every minimal 3 -homogeneous latin trade. We in turn classify all 3 -homogeneous latin trades. A corollary is that any 3 -homogeneous...

A variant of the reciprocal super Catalan matrix

Emrah Kılıç, Ilker Akkus, Gonca Kızılaslan (2015)

Special Matrices

Recently Prodinger [8] considered the reciprocal super Catalan matrix and gave explicit formulæ for its LU-decomposition, the LU-decomposition of its inverse, and obtained some related matrices. For all results, q-analogues were also presented. In this paper, we define and study a variant of the reciprocal super Catalan matrix with two additional parameters. Explicit formulæ for its LU-decomposition, LUdecomposition of its inverse and the Cholesky decomposition are obtained. For all results, q-analogues...

A weighted graph polynomial from chromatic invariants of knots

Steven D. Noble, Dominic J. A. Welsh (1999)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

Motivated by the work of Chmutov, Duzhin and Lando on Vassiliev invariants, we define a polynomial on weighted graphs which contains as specialisations the weighted chromatic invariants but also contains many other classical invariants including the Tutte and matching polynomials. It also gives the symmetric function generalisation of the chromatic polynomial introduced by Stanley. We study its complexity and prove hardness results for very restricted classes of graphs.

Currently displaying 801 – 820 of 8522