Displaying 881 – 900 of 1336

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On the domination number of prisms of graphs

Alewyn P. Burger, Christina M. Mynhardt, William D. Weakley (2004)

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory

For a permutation π of the vertex set of a graph G, the graph π G is obtained from two disjoint copies G₁ and G₂ of G by joining each v in G₁ to π(v) in G₂. Hence if π = 1, then πG = K₂×G, the prism of G. Clearly, γ(G) ≤ γ(πG) ≤ 2 γ(G). We study graphs for which γ(K₂×G) = 2γ(G), those for which γ(πG) = 2γ(G) for at least one permutation π of V(G) and those for which γ(πG) = 2γ(G) for each permutation π of V(G).

On the Domination of Cartesian Product of Directed Cycles: Results for Certain Equivalence Classes of Lengths

Michel Mollard (2013)

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory

Let (−→ Cm2−→ Cn) be the domination number of the Cartesian product of directed cycles −→ Cm and −→ Cn for m, n ≥ 2. Shaheen [13] and Liu et al. ([11], [12]) determined the value of (−→ Cm2−→ Cn) when m ≤ 6 and [12] when both m and n ≡ 0(mod 3). In this article we give, in general, the value of (−→ Cm2−→ Cn) when m ≡ 2(mod 3) and improve the known lower bounds for most of the remaining cases. We also disprove the conjectured formula for the case m ≡ 0(mod 3) appearing in [12].

On the dominator colorings in trees

Houcine Boumediene Merouane, Mustapha Chellali (2012)

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory

In a graph G, a vertex is said to dominate itself and all its neighbors. A dominating set of a graph G is a subset of vertices that dominates every vertex of G. The domination number γ(G) is the minimum cardinality of a dominating set of G. A proper coloring of a graph G is a function from the set of vertices of the graph to a set of colors such that any two adjacent vertices have different colors. A dominator coloring of a graph G is a proper coloring such that every vertex of V dominates all vertices...

On the doubly connected domination number of a graph

Joanna Cyman, Magdalena Lemańska, Joanna Raczek (2006)

Open Mathematics

For a given connected graph G = (V, E), a set D V ( G ) is a doubly connected dominating set if it is dominating and both 〈D〉 and 〈V (G)-D〉 are connected. The cardinality of the minimum doubly connected dominating set in G is the doubly connected domination number. We investigate several properties of doubly connected dominating sets and give some bounds on the doubly connected domination number.

On the Edge-Hyper-Hamiltonian Laceability of Balanced Hypercubes

Jianxiang Cao, Minyong Shi, Lihua Feng (2016)

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory

The balanced hypercube BHn, defined by Wu and Huang, is a variant of the hypercube network Qn, and has been proved to have better properties than Qn with the same number of links and processors. For a bipartite graph G = (V0 ∪ V1,E), we say G is edge-hyper-Hamiltonian laceable if it is Hamiltonian laceable, and for any vertex v ∈ Vi, i ∈ {0, 1}, any edge e ∈ E(G − v), there is a Hamiltonian path containing e in G − v between any two vertices of V1−i. In this paper, we prove that BHn is edge-hy per-...

On the energy and spectral properties of the he matrix of hexagonal systems

Faqir M. Bhatti, Kinkar Ch. Das, Syed A. Ahmed (2013)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

The He matrix, put forward by He and He in 1989, is designed as a means for uniquely representing the structure of a hexagonal system (= benzenoid graph). Observing that the He matrix is just the adjacency matrix of a pertinently weighted inner dual of the respective hexagonal system, we establish a number of its spectral properties. Afterwards, we discuss the number of eigenvalues equal to zero of the He matrix of a hexagonal system. Moreover, we obtain a relation between the number of triangles...

On the Erdős-Gyárfás Conjecture in Claw-Free Graphs

Pouria Salehi Nowbandegani, Hossein Esfandiari, Mohammad Hassan Shirdareh Haghighi, Khodakhast Bibak (2014)

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory

The Erdős-Gyárfás conjecture states that every graph with minimum degree at least three has a cycle whose length is a power of 2. Since this conjecture has proven to be far from reach, Hobbs asked if the Erdős-Gyárfás conjecture holds in claw-free graphs. In this paper, we obtain some results on this question, in particular for cubic claw-free graphs

Currently displaying 881 – 900 of 1336