Displaying 61 – 80 of 204

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Decomposing complete graphs into cubes

Saad I. El-Zanati, C. Vanden Eynden (2006)

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory

This paper concerns when the complete graph on n vertices can be decomposed into d-dimensional cubes, where d is odd and n is even. (All other cases have been settled.) Necessary conditions are that n be congruent to 1 modulo d and 0 modulo 2 d . These are known to be sufficient for d equal to 3 or 5. For larger values of d, the necessary conditions are asymptotically sufficient by Wilson’s results. We prove that for each odd d there is an infinite arithmetic progression of even integers n for which...

Dürer polyhedra: the dark side of melancholia

Patrick W. Fowler, Peter E. John (2002)

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory

Dürer's engraving Melencolia I famously includes a perspective view of a solid polyhedral block of which the visible portion is an 8-circuit bounding a pentagon-triple+triangle patch. The polyhedron is usually taken to be a cube truncated on antipodal corners, but an infinity of others are compatible with the visible patch. Construction of all cubic polyhedra compatible with the visible portion (i.e., Dürer Polyhedra) is discussed, explicit graphs and symmetries are listed for small cases ( ≤ 18...

Edge Dominating Sets and Vertex Covers

Ronald Dutton, William F. Klostermeyer (2013)

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory

Bipartite graphs with equal edge domination number and maximum matching cardinality are characterized. These two parameters are used to develop bounds on the vertex cover and total vertex cover numbers of graphs and a resulting chain of vertex covering, edge domination, and matching parameters is explored. In addition, the total vertex cover number is compared to the total domination number of trees and grid graphs.

Currently displaying 61 – 80 of 204