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Bounds On The Disjunctive Total Domination Number Of A Tree

Michael A. Henning, Viroshan Naicker (2016)

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory

Let G be a graph with no isolated vertex. In this paper, we study a parameter that is a relaxation of arguably the most important domination parameter, namely the total domination number, γt(G). A set S of vertices in G is a disjunctive total dominating set of G if every vertex is adjacent to a vertex of S or has at least two vertices in S at distance 2 from it. The disjunctive total domination number, [...] γtd(G) γ t d ( G ) , is the minimum cardinality of such a set. We observe that [...] γtd(G)≤γt(G)...

Bounds on the global offensive k-alliance number in graphs

Mustapha Chellali, Teresa W. Haynes, Bert Randerath, Lutz Volkmann (2009)

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory

Let G = (V(G),E(G)) be a graph, and let k ≥ 1 be an integer. A set S ⊆ V(G) is called a global offensive k-alliance if |N(v)∩S| ≥ |N(v)-S|+k for every v ∈ V(G)-S, where N(v) is the neighborhood of v. The global offensive k-alliance number γ k ( G ) is the minimum cardinality of a global offensive k-alliance in G. We present different bounds on γ k ( G ) in terms of order, maximum degree, independence number, chromatic number and minimum degree.

Bounds on the Signed 2-Independence Number in Graphs

Lutz Volkmann (2013)

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory

Let G be a finite and simple graph with vertex set V (G), and let f V (G) → {−1, 1} be a two-valued function. If ∑x∈N|v| f(x) ≤ 1 for each v ∈ V (G), where N[v] is the closed neighborhood of v, then f is a signed 2-independence function on G. The weight of a signed 2-independence function f is w(f) =∑v∈V (G) f(v). The maximum of weights w(f), taken over all signed 2-independence functions f on G, is the signed 2-independence number α2s(G) of G. In this work, we mainly present upper bounds on α2s(G),...

Characterization of block graphs with equal 2-domination number and domination number plus one

Adriana Hansberg, Lutz Volkmann (2007)

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory

Let G be a simple graph, and let p be a positive integer. A subset D ⊆ V(G) is a p-dominating set of the graph G, if every vertex v ∈ V(G)-D is adjacent with at least p vertices of D. The p-domination number γₚ(G) is the minimum cardinality among the p-dominating sets of G. Note that the 1-domination number γ₁(G) is the usual domination number γ(G). If G is a nontrivial connected block graph, then we show that γ₂(G) ≥ γ(G)+1, and we characterize all connected block graphs with...

Characterization of Cubic Graphs G with ir t (G) = Ir t (G) = 2

Changiz Eslahchi, Shahab Haghi, Nader Jafari (2014)

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory

A subset S of vertices in a graph G is called a total irredundant set if, for each vertex v in G, v or one of its neighbors has no neighbor in S −{v}. The total irredundance number, ir(G), is the minimum cardinality of a maximal total irredundant set of G, while the upper total irredundance number, IR(G), is the maximum cardinality of a such set. In this paper we characterize all cubic graphs G with irt(G) = IRt(G) = 2

Characterization of trees with equal 2-domination number and domination number plus two

Mustapha Chellali, Lutz Volkmann (2011)

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory

Let G = (V(G),E(G)) be a simple graph, and let k be a positive integer. A subset D of V(G) is a k-dominating set if every vertex of V(G) - D is dominated at least k times by D. The k-domination number γₖ(G) is the minimum cardinality of a k-dominating set of G. In [5] Volkmann showed that for every nontrivial tree T, γ₂(T) ≥ γ₁(T)+1 and characterized extremal trees attaining this bound. In this paper we characterize all trees T with γ₂(T) = γ₁(T)+2.

Characterizing Cartesian fixers and multipliers

Stephen Benecke, Christina M. Mynhardt (2012)

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory

Let G ☐ H denote the Cartesian product of the graphs G and H. In 2004, Hartnell and Rall [On dominating the Cartesian product of a graph and K₂, Discuss. Math. Graph Theory 24(3) (2004), 389-402] characterized prism fixers, i.e., graphs G for which γ(G ☐ K₂) = γ(G), and noted that γ(G ☐ Kₙ) ≥ min{|V(G)|, γ(G)+n-2}. We call a graph G a consistent fixer if γ(G ☐ Kₙ) = γ(G)+n-2 for each n such that 2 ≤ n < |V(G)|- γ(G)+2, and characterize this class of graphs. Also in 2004, Burger,...

Clique irreducibility of some iterative classes of graphs

Aparna Lakshmanan S., A. Vijayakumar (2008)

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory

In this paper, two notions, the clique irreducibility and clique vertex irreducibility are discussed. A graph G is clique irreducible if every clique in G of size at least two, has an edge which does not lie in any other clique of G and it is clique vertex irreducible if every clique in G has a vertex which does not lie in any other clique of G. It is proved that L(G) is clique irreducible if and only if every triangle in G has a vertex of degree two. The conditions for the iterations of line graph,...

Closed Formulae for the Strong Metric Dimension of Lexicographi

Dorota Kuziak, Ismael G. Yero, Juan A. Rodríguez-Velázquez (2016)

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory

Given a connected graph G, a vertex w ∈ V (G) strongly resolves two vertices u, v ∈ V (G) if there exists some shortest u − w path containing v or some shortest v − w path containing u. A set S of vertices is a strong metric generator for G if every pair of vertices of G is strongly resolved by some vertex of S. The smallest cardinality of a strong metric generator for G is called the strong metric dimension of G. In this paper we obtain several relationships between the strong metric dimension...

Complete minors, independent sets, and chordal graphs

József Balogh, John Lenz, Hehui Wu (2011)

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory

The Hadwiger number h(G) of a graph G is the maximum size of a complete minor of G. Hadwiger's Conjecture states that h(G) ≥ χ(G). Since χ(G) α(G) ≥ |V(G)|, Hadwiger's Conjecture implies that α(G) h(G) ≥ |V(G)|. We show that (2α(G) - ⌈log_{τ}(τα(G)/2)⌉) h(G) ≥ |V(G)| where τ ≍ 6.83. For graphs with α(G) ≥ 14, this improves on a recent result of Kawarabayashi and Song who showed (2α(G) - 2) h(G) ≥ |V(G) | when α(G) ≥ 3.

Connected domatic number in planar graphs

Bert L. Hartnell, Douglas F. Rall (2001)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

A dominating set in a graph G is a connected dominating set of G if it induces a connected subgraph of G . The connected domatic number of G is the maximum number of pairwise disjoint, connected dominating sets in V ( G ) . We establish a sharp lower bound on the number of edges in a connected graph with a given order and given connected domatic number. We also show that a planar graph has connected domatic number at most 4 and give a characterization of planar graphs having connected domatic number 3.

Connected domination critical graphs with respect to relative complements

Xue-Gang Chen, Liang Sun (2006)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

A dominating set in a graph G is a connected dominating set of G if it induces a connected subgraph of G . The minimum number of vertices in a connected dominating set of G is called the connected domination number of G , and is denoted by γ c ( G ) . Let G be a spanning subgraph of K s , s and let H be the complement of G relative to K s , s ; that is, K s , s = G H is a factorization of K s , s . The graph G is k - γ c -critical relative to K s , s if γ c ( G ) = k and γ c ( G + e ) < k for each edge e E ( H ) . First, we discuss some classes of graphs whether they are γ c -critical relative...

Connected global offensive k-alliances in graphs

Lutz Volkmann (2011)

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory

We consider finite graphs G with vertex set V(G). For a subset S ⊆ V(G), we define by G[S] the subgraph induced by S. By n(G) = |V(G) | and δ(G) we denote the order and the minimum degree of G, respectively. Let k be a positive integer. A subset S ⊆ V(G) is a connected global offensive k-alliance of the connected graph G, if G[S] is connected and |N(v) ∩ S | ≥ |N(v) -S | + k for every vertex v ∈ V(G) -S, where N(v) is the neighborhood of v. The connected global offensive k-alliance number γ k , c ( G ) is the...

Connected odd dominating sets in graphs

Yair Caro, William F. Klostermeyer, Raphael Yuster (2005)

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory

An odd dominating set of a simple, undirected graph G = (V,E) is a set of vertices D ⊆ V such that |N[v] ∩ D| ≡ 1 mod 2 for all vertices v ∈ V. It is known that every graph has an odd dominating set. In this paper we consider the concept of connected odd dominating sets. We prove that the problem of deciding if a graph has a connected odd dominating set is NP-complete. We also determine the existence or non-existence of such sets in several classes of graphs. Among other results, we prove there...

Convex domination in the composition and Cartesian product of graphs

Mhelmar A. Labendia, Sergio R. Jr. Canoy (2012)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

In this paper we characterize the convex dominating sets in the composition and Cartesian product of two connected graphs. The concepts of clique dominating set and clique domination number of a graph are defined. It is shown that the convex domination number of a composition G [ H ] of two non-complete connected graphs G and H is equal to the clique domination number of G . The convex domination number of the Cartesian product of two connected graphs is related to the convex domination numbers of the...

Convex universal fixers

Magdalena Lemańska, Rita Zuazua (2012)

Discussiones Mathematicae Graph Theory

In [1] Burger and Mynhardt introduced the idea of universal fixers. Let G = (V, E) be a graph with n vertices and G’ a copy of G. For a bijective function π: V(G) → V(G’), define the prism πG of G as follows: V(πG) = V(G) ∪ V(G’) and E ( π G ) = E ( G ) E ( G ' ) M π , where M π = u π ( u ) | u V ( G ) . Let γ(G) be the domination number of G. If γ(πG) = γ(G) for any bijective function π, then G is called a universal fixer. In [9] it is conjectured that the only universal fixers are the edgeless graphs K̅ₙ. In this work we generalize the concept of universal...

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