Displaying 181 – 200 of 3014

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On a divisibility problem

Shichun Yang, Florian Luca, Alain Togbé (2019)

Mathematica Bohemica

Let p 1 , p 2 , be the sequence of all primes in ascending order. Using explicit estimates from the prime number theory, we show that if k 5 , then ( p k + 1 - 1 ) ! ( 1 2 ( p k + 1 - 1 ) ) ! p k ! , which improves a previous result of the second author.

On a dynamical Brauer–Manin obstruction

Liang-Chung Hsia, Joseph Silverman (2009)

Journal de Théorie des Nombres de Bordeaux

Let ϕ : X X be a morphism of a variety defined over a number field  K , let  V X be a K -subvariety, and let  𝒪 ϕ ( P ) = { ϕ n ( P ) : n 0 } be the orbit of a point  P X ( K ) . We describe a local-global principle for the intersection  V 𝒪 ϕ ( P ) . This principle may be viewed as a dynamical analog of the Brauer–Manin obstruction. We show that the rational points of  V ( K ) are Brauer–Manin unobstructed for power maps on  2 in two cases: (1)  V is a translate of a torus. (2)  V is a line and  P has a preperiodic coordinate. A key tool in the proofs is the classical...

On a family of elliptic curves of rank at least 2

Kalyan Chakraborty, Richa Sharma (2022)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

Let C m : y 2 = x 3 - m 2 x + p 2 q 2 be a family of elliptic curves over , where m is a positive integer and p , q are distinct odd primes. We study the torsion part and the rank of C m ( ) . More specifically, we prove that the torsion subgroup of C m ( ) is trivial and the -rank of this family is at least 2, whenever m ¬ 0 ( mod 3 ) , m ¬ 0 ( mod 4 ) and m 2 ( mod 64 ) with neither p nor q dividing m .

Currently displaying 181 – 200 of 3014