Displaying 2001 – 2020 of 3014

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On the exponential diophantine equation x y + y x = z z

Xiaoying Du (2017)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

For any positive integer D which is not a square, let ( u 1 , v 1 ) be the least positive integer solution of the Pell equation u 2 - D v 2 = 1 , and let h ( 4 D ) denote the class number of binary quadratic primitive forms of discriminant 4 D . If D satisfies 2 D and v 1 h ( 4 D ) 0 ( mod D ) , then D is called a singular number. In this paper, we prove that if ( x , y , z ) is a positive integer solution of the equation x y + y x = z z with 2 z , then maximum max { x , y , z } < 480000 and both x , y are singular numbers. Thus, one can possibly prove that the equation has no positive integer solutions ( x , y , z ) .

On the exponential local-global principle

Boris Bartolome, Yuri Bilu, Florian Luca (2013)

Acta Arithmetica

Skolem conjectured that the "power sum" A(n) = λ₁α₁ⁿ + ⋯ + λₘαₘⁿ satisfies a certain local-global principle. We prove this conjecture in the case when the multiplicative group generated by α₁,...,αₘ is of rank 1.

On the extendability of elliptic surfaces of rank two and higher

Angelo Felice Lopez, Roberto Muñoz, José Carlos Sierra (2009)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

We study threefolds X r having as hyperplane section a smooth surface with an elliptic fibration. We first give a general theorem about the possible embeddings of such surfaces with Picard number two. More precise results are then proved for Weierstrass fibrations, both of rank two and higher. In particular we prove that a Weierstrass fibration of rank two that is not a K3 surface is not hyperplane section of a locally complete intersection threefold and we give some conditions, for many embeddings...

On the finiteness of Pythagoras numbers of real meromorphic functions

Francesca Acquistapace, Fabrizio Broglia, José F. Fernando, Jesús M. Ruiz (2010)

Bulletin de la Société Mathématique de France

We consider the 17th Hilbert Problem for global real analytic functions in a modified form that involves infinite sums of squares. Then we prove a local-global principle for a real global analytic function to be a sum of squares of global real meromorphic functions. We deduce that an affirmative solution to the 17th Hilbert Problem for global real analytic functions implies the finiteness of the Pythagoras number of the field of global real meromorphic functions, hence that of the field of real...

Currently displaying 2001 – 2020 of 3014