Displaying 1981 – 2000 of 3014

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On the Euler function of repdigits

Florian Luca (2008)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

For a positive integer n we write φ ( n ) for the Euler function of n . In this note, we show that if b > 1 is a fixed positive integer, then the equation φ x b n - 1 b - 1 = y b m - 1 b - 1 , where x , y { 1 , ... , b - 1 } , has only finitely many positive integer solutions ( x , y , m , n ) .

On the Euler Function on Differences Between the Coordinates of Points on Modular Hyperbolas

Igor E. Shparlinski (2008)

Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Mathematics

For a prime p > 2, an integer a with gcd(a,p) = 1 and real 1 ≤ X,Y < p, we consider the set of points on the modular hyperbola a , p ( X , Y ) = ( x , y ) : x y a ( m o d p ) , 1 x X , 1 y Y . We give asymptotic formulas for the average values ( x , y ) a , p ( X , Y ) x y * φ ( | x - y | ) / | x - y | and ( x , y ) a , p ( X , X ) x y * φ ( | x - y | ) with the Euler function φ(k) on the differences between the components of points of a , p ( X , Y ) .

On the exact location of the non-trivial zeros of Riemann's zeta function

Juan Arias de Reyna, Jan van de Lune (2014)

Acta Arithmetica

We introduce the real valued real analytic function κ(t) implicitly defined by e 2 π i κ ( t ) = - e - 2 i ϑ ( t ) ( ζ ' ( 1 / 2 - i t ) ) / ( ζ ' ( 1 / 2 + i t ) ) (κ(0) = -1/2). By studying the equation κ(t) = n (without making any unproved hypotheses), we show that (and how) this function is closely related to the (exact) position of the zeros of Riemann’s ζ(s) and ζ’(s). Assuming the Riemann hypothesis and the simplicity of the zeros of ζ(s), it follows that the ordinate of the zero 1/2 + iγₙ of ζ(s) is the unique solution to the equation κ(t) = n.

On the existence of Minkowski units in totally real cyclic fields

František Marko (2005)

Journal de Théorie des Nombres de Bordeaux

Let K be a totally real cyclic number field of degree n that is the product of two distinct primes and such that the class number of the n -th cyclotomic field equals 1. We derive certain necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of a Minkowski unit for K .

Currently displaying 1981 – 2000 of 3014