Displaying 2121 – 2140 of 3014

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On the image of Λ -adic Galois representations

Ami Fischman (2002)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

We explore the question of how big the image of a Galois representation attached to a Λ -adic modular form with no complex multiplication is and show that for a “generic” set of Λ -adic modular forms (normalized, ordinary eigenforms with no complex multiplication), all have a large image.

On the index of an odd perfect number

Feng-Juan Chen, Yong-Gao Chen (2014)

Colloquium Mathematicae

Suppose that N is an odd perfect number and q α is a prime power with q α | | N . Define the index m = σ ( N / q α ) / q α . We prove that m cannot take the form p 2 u , where u is a positive integer and 2u+1 is composite. We also prove that, if q is the Euler prime, then m cannot take any of the 30 forms q₁, q₁², q₁³, q₁⁴, q₁⁵, q₁⁶, q₁⁷, q₁⁸, q₁q₂, q₁²q₂, q₁³q₂, q₁⁴ q₂, q₁⁵q₂, q₁²q₂², q₁³q₂², q₁⁴q₂², q₁q₂q₃, q₁²q₂q₃, q₁³q₂q₃, q₁⁴q₂q₃, q₁²q₂²q₃, q₁²q₂²q₃², q₁q₂q₃q₄, q₁²q₂q₃q₄, q₁³q₂q₃q₄, q₁²q₂²q₃q₄, q₁q₂q₃q₄q₅, q₁²q₂q₃q₄q₅, q₁q₂q₃q₄q₅q₆,...

On the index of length four minimal zero-sum sequences

Caixia Shen, Li-meng Xia, Yuanlin Li (2014)

Colloquium Mathematicae

Let G be a finite cyclic group. Every sequence S over G can be written in the form S = ( n g ) · . . . · ( n l g ) where g ∈ G and n , . . . , n l i [ 1 , o r d ( g ) ] , and the index ind(S) is defined to be the minimum of ( n + + n l ) / o r d ( g ) over all possible g ∈ G such that ⟨g⟩ = G. A conjecture says that every minimal zero-sum sequence of length 4 over a finite cyclic group G with gcd(|G|,6) = 1 has index 1. This conjecture was confirmed recently for the case when |G| is a product of at most two prime powers. However, the general case is still open. In this paper, we make some...

On the infinite fern of Galois representations of unitary type

Gaëtan Chenevier (2011)

Annales scientifiques de l'École Normale Supérieure

Let E be a CM number field, p an odd prime totally split in  E , and let  X be the p -adic analytic space parameterizing the isomorphism classes of  3 -dimensional semisimple p -adic representations of  Gal ( E ¯ / E ) satisfying a selfduality condition “of type U ( 3 ) ”. We study an analogue of the infinite fern of Gouvêa-Mazur in this context and show that each irreducible component of the Zariski-closure of the modular points in  X has dimension at least 3 [ E : ] . As important steps, and in any rank, we prove that any first order...

Currently displaying 2121 – 2140 of 3014