Displaying 2741 – 2760 of 16555

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Congruences modulo between ϵ factors for cuspidal representations of G L ( 2 )

Marie-France Vignéras (2000)

Journal de théorie des nombres de Bordeaux

Let p be two different prime numbers, let F be a local non archimedean field of residual characteristic p , and let 𝐐 ¯ , 𝐙 ¯ , 𝐅 ¯ be an algebraic closure of the field of -adic numbers 𝐐 , the ring of integers of 𝐐 ¯ , the residual field of 𝐙 ¯ . We proved the existence and the unicity of a Langlands local correspondence over 𝐅 ¯ for all n 2 , compatible with the reduction modulo in [V5], without using L and ϵ factors of pairs. We conjecture that the Langlands local correspondence over 𝐐 ¯ respects congruences modulo between...

Congruences of Ankeny-Artin-Chowla type and the p-adic class number formula revisited

František Marko (2015)

Acta Arithmetica

The purpose of this paper is to interpret the results of Jakubec and his collaborators on congruences of Ankeny-Artin-Chowla type for cyclic totally real fields as an elementary algebraic version of the p-adic class number formula modulo powers of p. We show how to generalize the previous results to congruences modulo arbitrary powers p t and to equalities in the p-adic completion p of the field of rational numbers ℚ. Additional connections to the Gross-Koblitz formula and explicit congruences for...

Congruent numbers over real number fields

Tomasz Jędrzejak (2012)

Colloquium Mathematicae

It is classical that a natural number n is congruent iff the rank of ℚ -points on Eₙ: y² = x³-n²x is positive. In this paper, following Tada (2001), we consider generalised congruent numbers. We extend the above classical criterion to several infinite families of real number fields.

Congruent numbers with higher exponents

Florian Luca, László Szalay (2006)

Acta Mathematica Universitatis Ostraviensis

This paper investigates the system of equations x 2 + a y m = z 1 2 , x 2 - a y m = z 2 2 in positive integers x , y , z 1 , z 2 , where a and m are positive integers with m 3 . In case of m = 2 we would obtain the classical problem of congruent numbers. We provide a procedure to solve the simultaneous equations above for a class of the coefficient a with the condition gcd ( x , z 1 ) = gcd ( x , z 2 ) = gcd ( z 1 , z 2 ) = 1 . Further, under same condition, we even prove a finiteness theorem for arbitrary nonzero a .

Conjecture de Littlewood et récurrences linéaires

Bernard de Mathan (2003)

Journal de théorie des nombres de Bordeaux

Ce travail est essentiellement consacré à la construction d’exemples effectifs de couples ( α , β ) de nombres réels à constantes de Markov finies, tels que 1 , α et β soient 𝐙 -linéairement indépendants, et satisfaisant à la conjecture de Littlewood.

Conjecture principale équivariante, idéaux de Fitting et annulateurs en théorie d’Iwasawa

Thong Nguyen Quang Do (2005)

Journal de Théorie des Nombres de Bordeaux

Pour un nombre premier impair p et une extension abélienne K / k de corps de nombres totalement réels, nous utilisons la Conjecture Principale Équivariante démontrée par Ritter et Weiss (modulo la nullité de l’invariant μ p ) pour calculer l’idéal de Fitting d’un certain module d’Iwasawa sur l’algèbre complète p [ [ G ] ] , G = G a l ( K / k ) et K est la p -extension cyclotomique de K . Par descente, nous en déduisons la p -partie de la version cohomologique de la conjecture de Coates-Sinnott, ainsi qu’une forme faible de la p -partie...

Conjugacy classes of series in positive characteristic and Witt vectors.

Sandrine Jean (2009)

Journal de Théorie des Nombres de Bordeaux

Let k be the algebraic closure of 𝔽 p and K be the local field of formal power series with coefficients in k . The aim of this paper is the description of the set 𝒴 n of conjugacy classes of series of order p n for the composition law. This work is concerned with the formal power series with coefficients in a field of characteristic p which are invertible and of finite order p n for the composition law. In order to investigate Oort’s conjecture, I give a description of conjugacy classes of series by means...

Currently displaying 2741 – 2760 of 16555