Displaying 3221 – 3240 of 16555

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Deformations and derived categories

Frauke M. Bleher, Ted Chinburg (2005)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

In this paper we generalize the deformation theory of representations of a profinite group developed by Schlessinger and Mazur to deformations of objects of the derived category of bounded complexes of pseudocompact modules for such a group. We show that such objects have versal deformations under certain natural conditions, and we find a sufficient condition for these versal deformations to be universal. Moreover, we consider applications to deforming Galois cohomology classes and the étale hypercohomology...

Degré d’une extension de 𝐐 p nr sur laquelle J 0 ( N ) est semi-stable

Mohamed Krir (1996)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

Soit N un entier 1 . Pour un nombre premier p on note Q p nr l’extension maximale non ramifiée de Q p . Supposons que p v divise exactement N . Alors, en utilisant les travaux de Carayol et la théorie du corps de classes local, on détermine une extension E v de Q p nr sur laquelle la jacobienne J 0 de la courbe modulaire de X 0 ( N ) admet une réduction semi-stable, puis on donne une estimation de son degré.

Degree three cohomological invariants of semisimple groups

Alexander Merkurjev (2016)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society

We study the degree 3 cohomological invariants with coefficients in / ( 2 ) of a semisimple group over an arbitrary field. A list of all invariants of adjoint groups of inner type is given.

Delaunay polytopes derived from the Leech lattice

Mathieu Dutour Sikirić, Konstantin Rybnikov (2014)

Journal de Théorie des Nombres de Bordeaux

A Delaunay polytope in a lattice L is perfect if any affine transformation that preserve its Delaunay property is a composite of an homothety and an isometry. Perfect Delaunay polytopes are rare in low dimension and here we consider the ones that one can get in lattice that are sections of the Leech lattice.By doing so we are able to find lattices with several orbits of perfect Delaunay polytopes. Also we exhibit Delaunay polytopes which remain Delaunay in some superlattices. We found perfect Delaunay...

Delay Model of Hematopoietic Stem Cell Dynamics: Asymptotic Stability and Stability Switch

F. Crauste (2009)

Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena

A nonlinear system of two delay differential equations is proposed to model hematopoietic stem cell dynamics. Each equation describes the evolution of a sub-population, either proliferating or nonproliferating. The nonlinearity accounting for introduction of nonproliferating cells in the proliferating phase is assumed to depend upon the total number of cells. Existence and stability of steady states are investigated. A Lyapunov functional is built to obtain the global asymptotic stability of the...

Currently displaying 3221 – 3240 of 16555