Displaying 381 – 400 of 547

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Repdigits in generalized Pell sequences

Jhon J. Bravo, Jose L. Herrera (2020)

Archivum Mathematicum

For an integer k 2 , let ( n ) n be the k - generalized Pell sequence which starts with 0 , ... , 0 , 1 ( k terms) and each term afterwards is given by the linear recurrence n = 2 n - 1 + n - 2 + + n - k . In this paper, we find all k -generalized Pell numbers with only one distinct digit (the so-called repdigits). Some interesting estimations involving generalized Pell numbers, that we believe are of independent interest, are also deduced. This paper continues a previous work that searched for repdigits in the usual Pell sequence ( P n ( 2 ) ) n .

Repdigits in the base b as sums of four balancing numbers

Refik Keskin, Faticko Erduvan (2021)

Mathematica Bohemica

The sequence of balancing numbers ( B n ) is defined by the recurrence relation B n = 6 B n - 1 - B n - 2 for n 2 with initial conditions B 0 = 0 and B 1 = 1 . B n is called the n th balancing number. In this paper, we find all repdigits in the base b , which are sums of four balancing numbers. As a result of our theorem,...

Représentation des entiers naturels et suites uniformément équiréparties

Jean Coquet (1982)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

s ( n ) désigne la somme des chiffres de l’entier n en base q et σ α ( n ) la somme des chiffres de n associée au développement de α en fraction continue. Dans un article paru aux Annales de l’Institut Fourier (31 (1981), 1–15), Coquet, Rhin et Toffin montrent que, lorsque x ou y est irrationnel, la suite x s + y σ α est équirépartie modulo 1. On précise ici que l’équirépartition est uniforme.

Representation fields for commutative orders

Luis Arenas-Carmona (2012)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

A representation field for a non-maximal order in a central simple algebra is a subfield of the spinor class field of maximal orders which determines the set of spinor genera of maximal orders containing a copy of . Not every non-maximal order has a representation field. In this work we prove that every commutative order has a representation field and give a formula for it. The main result is proved for central simple algebras over arbitrary global fields.

Representation functions for binary linear forms

Fang-Gang Xue (2024)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

Let be the set of integers, 0 the set of nonnegative integers and F ( x 1 , x 2 ) = u 1 x 1 + u 2 x 2 be a binary linear form whose coefficients u 1 , u 2 are nonzero, relatively prime integers such that u 1 u 2 ± 1 and u 1 u 2 - 2 . Let f : 0 { } be any function such that the set f - 1 ( 0 ) has asymptotic density zero. In 2007, M. B. Nathanson (2007) proved that there exists a set A of integers such that r A , F ( n ) = f ( n ) for all integers n , where r A , F ( n ) = | { ( a , a ' ) : n = u 1 a + u 2 a ' : a , a ' A } | . We add the structure of difference for the binary linear form F ( x 1 , x 2 ) .

Representation functions with different weights

Quan-Hui Yang (2014)

Colloquium Mathematicae

For any given positive integer k, and any set A of nonnegative integers, let r 1 , k ( A , n ) denote the number of solutions of the equation n = a₁ + ka₂ with a₁,a₂ ∈ A. We prove that if k,l are multiplicatively independent integers, i.e., log k/log l is irrational, then there does not exist any set A ⊆ ℕ such that both r 1 , k ( A , n ) = r 1 , k ( A , n ) and r 1 , l ( A , n ) = r 1 , l ( A , n ) hold for all n ≥ n₀. We also pose a conjecture and two problems for further research.

Currently displaying 381 – 400 of 547