Ternary quadratic forms that represent zero: the function field case
We consider the Legendre quadratic formsand, in particular, a question posed by J–P. Serre, to count the number of pairs of integers , for which the form has a non-trivial rational zero. Under certain mild conditions on the integers , we are able to find the asymptotic formula for the number of such forms.
Explicit formulae for the number of triplets of consecutive squares in a Galois field are given.
1. Introduction. Let F be a number field and the ring of its integers. Many results are known about the group , the tame kernel of F. In particular, many authors have investigated the 2-Sylow subgroup of . As compared with real quadratic fields, the 2-Sylow subgroups of for imaginary quadratic fields F are more difficult to deal with. The objective of this paper is to prove a few theorems on the structure of the 2-Sylow subgroups of for imaginary quadratic fields F. In our Ph.D. thesis (see...