Displaying 1061 – 1080 of 3014

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On Obláth's problem.

Gica, Alexandru, Panaitopol, Laurenţiu (2003)

Journal of Integer Sequences [electronic only]

On octahedral extensions of and quadratic -curves

Julio Fernández (2003)

Journal de théorie des nombres de Bordeaux

We give a necessary condition for a surjective representation Gal ( ¯ / ) PGL 2 ( 𝔽 3 ) to arise from the 3 -torsion of a -curve. We pay a special attention to the case of quadratic -curves.

On p 2 -Ranks in the Class Field Tower Problem

Christian Maire, Cam McLeman (2014)

Annales mathématiques Blaise Pascal

Much recent progress in the 2-class field tower problem revolves around demonstrating infinite such towers for fields – in particular, quadratic fields – whose class groups have large 4-ranks. Generalizing to all primes, we use Golod-Safarevic-type inequalities to analyse the source of the p 2 -rank of the class group as a quantity of relevance in the p -class field tower problem. We also make significant partial progress toward demonstrating that all real quadratic number fields whose class groups...

On p -adic Euler constants

Abhishek Bharadwaj (2021)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

The goal of this article is to associate a p -adic analytic function to the Euler constants γ p ( a , F ) , study the properties of these functions in the neighborhood of s = 1 and introduce a p -adic analogue of the infinite sum n 1 f ( n ) / n for an algebraic valued, periodic function f . After this, we prove the theorem of Baker, Birch and Wirsing in this setup and discuss irrationality results associated to p -adic Euler constants generalising the earlier known results in this direction. Finally, we define and prove certain...

On p -adic L -functions of G L ( 2 ) × G L ( 2 ) over totally real fields

Haruzo Hida (1991)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

Let D ( s , f , g ) be the Rankin product L -function for two Hilbert cusp forms f and g . This L -function is in fact the standard L -function of an automorphic representation of the algebraic group G L ( 2 ) × G L ( 2 ) defined over a totally real field. Under the ordinarity assumption at a given prime p for f and g , we shall construct a p -adic analytic function of several variables which interpolates the algebraic part of D ( m , f , g ) for critical integers m , regarding all the ingredients m , f and g as variables.

Currently displaying 1061 – 1080 of 3014