Displaying 1041 – 1060 of 3014

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On nodal sets and nodal domains on S 2 and 2

Alexandre Eremenko, Dmitry Jakobson, Nikolai Nadirashvili (2007)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

We discuss possible topological configurations of nodal sets, in particular the number of their components, for spherical harmonics on S 2 . We also construct a solution of the equation Δ u = u in 2 that has only two nodal domains. This equation arises in the study of high energy eigenfunctions.

On non-abelian Stark-type conjectures

Andreas Nickel (2011)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

We introduce non-abelian generalizations of Brumer’s conjecture, the Brumer-Stark conjecture and the strong Brumer-Stark property attached to a Galois CM-extension of number fields. Moreover, we discuss how they are related to the equivariant Tamagawa number conjecture, the strong Stark conjecture and a non-abelian generalization of Rubin’s conjecture due to D. Burns.

On non-basic Rapoport-Zink spaces

Elena Mantovan (2008)

Annales scientifiques de l'École Normale Supérieure

In this paper we study certain moduli spaces of Barsotti-Tate groups constructed by Rapoport and Zink as local analogues of Shimura varieties. More precisely, given an isogeny class of Barsotti-Tate groups with unramified additional structures, we investigate how the associated (non-basic) moduli spaces compare to the (basic) moduli spaces associated with its isoclinic constituents. This aspect of the geometry of the Rapoport-Zink spaces is closely related to Kottwitz’s prediction that their l -adic...

On non-commutative twisting in étale and motivic cohomology

Jens Hornbostel, Guido Kings (2006)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

This article confirms a consequence of the non-abelian Iwasawa main conjecture. It is proved that under a technical condition the étale cohomology groups H 1 ( 𝒪 K [ 1 / S ] , H i ( X ¯ , p ( j ) ) ) , where X Spec 𝒪 K [ 1 / S ] is a smooth, projective scheme, are generated by twists of norm compatible units in a tower of number fields associated to H i ( X ¯ , p ( j ) ) . Using the “Bloch-Kato-conjecture” a similar result is proven for motivic cohomology with finite coefficients.

On non-intersecting arithmetic progressions

Régis de la Bretèche, Kevin Ford, Joseph Vandehey (2013)

Acta Arithmetica

We improve known bounds for the maximum number of pairwise disjoint arithmetic progressions using distinct moduli less than x. We close the gap between upper and lower bounds even further under the assumption of a conjecture from combinatorics about Δ-systems (also known as sunflowers).

On normal lattice configurations and simultaneously normal numbers

Mordechay B. Levin (2001)

Journal de théorie des nombres de Bordeaux

Let q , q 1 , , q s 2 be integers, and let α 1 , α 2 , be a sequence of real numbers. In this paper we prove that the lower bound of the discrepancy of the double sequence ( α m q n , , α m + s - 1 q n ) m , n = 1 M N coincides (up to a logarithmic factor) with the lower bound of the discrepancy of ordinary sequences ( x n ) n = 1 M N in s -dimensional unit cube ( s , M , N = 1 , 2 , ) . We also find a lower bound of the discrepancy (up to a logarithmic factor) of the sequence ( α 1 q 1 n , , α s q s n ) n = 1 N (Korobov’s problem).

On normal numbers mod 2

Youngho Ahn, Geon Choe (1998)

Colloquium Mathematicae

It is proved that a real-valued function f ( x ) = exp ( π i χ I ( x ) ) , where I is an interval contained in [0,1), is not of the form f ( x ) = q ( 2 x ) ¯ q ( x ) with |q(x)|=1 a.e. if I has dyadic endpoints. A relation of this result to the uniform distribution mod 2 is also shown.

Currently displaying 1041 – 1060 of 3014