Displaying 121 – 140 of 425

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Fields of moduli of three-point G -covers with cyclic p -Sylow, II

Andrew Obus (2013)

Journal de Théorie des Nombres de Bordeaux

We continue the examination of the stable reduction and fields of moduli of G -Galois covers of the projective line over a complete discrete valuation field of mixed characteristic ( 0 , p ) , where G has a cyclic p -Sylow subgroup P of order p n . Suppose further that the normalizer of P acts on P via an involution. Under mild assumptions, if f : Y 1 is a three-point G -Galois cover defined over ¯ , then the n th higher ramification groups above p for the upper numbering of the (Galois closure of the) extension K / vanish,...

Filling boundaries of coarse manifolds in semisimple and solvable arithmetic groups

Filling Bestvina, Alex Eskin, Kevin Wortman (2013)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society

We provide partial results towards a conjectural generalization of a theorem of Lubotzky-Mozes-Raghunathan for arithmetic groups (over number fields or function fields) that implies, in low dimensions, both polynomial isoperimetric inequalities and finiteness properties. As a tool in our proof, we establish polynomial isoperimetric inequalities and finiteness properties for certain solvable groups that appear as subgroups of parabolic groups in semisimple groups, thus generalizing a theorem of Bux....

Finding the roots of polynomial equations: an algorithm with linear command.

Bernard Beauzamy (2000)

Revista Matemática Complutense

We show how an old principle, due to Walsh (1922), can be used in order to construct an algorithm which finds the roots of polynomials with complex coefficients. This algorithm uses a linear command. From the very first step, the zero is located inside a disk, so several zeros can be searched at the same time.

Finite and periodic orbits of shift radix systems

Peter Kirschenhofer, Attila Pethő, Paul Surer, Jörg Thuswaldner (2010)

Journal de Théorie des Nombres de Bordeaux

For r = ( r 0 , ... , r d - 1 ) d define the function τ r : d d , z = ( z 0 , ... , z d - 1 ) ( z 1 , ... , z d - 1 , - rz ) , where rz is the scalar product of the vectors r and z . If each orbit of τ r ends up at 0 , we call τ r a shift radix system. It is a well-known fact that each orbit of τ r ends up periodically if the polynomial t d + r d - 1 t d - 1 + + r 0 associated to r is contractive. On the other hand, whenever this polynomial has at least one root outside the unit disc, there exist starting vectors that give rise to unbounded orbits. The present paper deals with the remaining situations of periodicity properties of...

Finite automata and algebraic extensions of function fields

Kiran S. Kedlaya (2006)

Journal de Théorie des Nombres de Bordeaux

We give an automata-theoretic description of the algebraic closure of the rational function field 𝔽 q ( t ) over a finite field 𝔽 q , generalizing a result of Christol. The description occurs within the Hahn-Mal’cev-Neumann field of “generalized power series” over 𝔽 q . In passing, we obtain a characterization of well-ordered sets of rational numbers whose base p expansions are generated by a finite automaton, and exhibit some techniques for computing in the algebraic closure; these include an adaptation to positive...

Finite canonization

Saharon Shelah (1996)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

The canonization theorem says that for given m , n for some m * (the first one is called E R ( n ; m ) ) we have for every function f with domain [ 1 , , m * ] n , for some A [ 1 , , m * ] m , the question of when the equality f ( i 1 , , i n ) = f ( j 1 , , j n ) (where i 1 < < i n and j 1 < j n are from A ) holds has the simplest answer: for some v { 1 , , n } the equality holds iff v i = j . We improve the bound on E R ( n , m ) so that fixing n the number of exponentiation needed to calculate E R ( n , m ) is best possible.

Currently displaying 121 – 140 of 425