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Mesures spectrales de Walsh associées à certaines suites arithmétiques

Jean Coquet (1985)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

On associe à certaines suites g de nombres complexes une mesure borélienne positive μ g sur le tore dont la transformée de Fourier-Walsh est une suite de moyennes liées à g . La nature de μ g (discrète, continue) est discutée dans quelques cas : suites presque-périodiques et certaines suites arithmétiques.

Metaplectic covers of G L n and the Gauss-Schering lemma

Richard Hill (2001)

Journal de théorie des nombres de Bordeaux

The Gauss-Schering Lemma is a classical formula for the Legendre symbol commonly used in elementary proofs of the quadratic reciprocity law. In this paper we show how the Gauss Schering Lemma may be generalized to give a formula for a 2 -cocycle corresponding to a higher metaplectic extension of GL n / k for any global field k . In the case that k has positive characteristic, our formula gives a complete construction of the metaplectic group and consequently an independent proof of the power reciprocity...

Metaplectic forms

David A. Kazhdan, S. J. Patterson (1984)

Publications Mathématiques de l'IHÉS

Method of infinite ascent applied on - ( 2 p · A 6 ) + B 3 = C 2

Susil Kumar Jena (2013)

Communications in Mathematics

In this paper, the author shows a technique of generating an infinite number of coprime integral solutions for ( A , B , C ) of the Diophantine equation - ( 2 p · A 6 ) + B 3 = C 2 for any positive integral values of p when p 1 (mod 6) or p 2 (mod 6). For doing this, we will be using a published result of this author in The Mathematics Student, a periodical of the Indian Mathematical Society.

Currently displaying 121 – 140 of 440