Displaying 1521 – 1540 of 3014

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On the arithmetic of arithmetical congruence monoids

M. Banister, J. Chaika, S. T. Chapman, W. Meyerson (2007)

Colloquium Mathematicae

Let ℕ represent the positive integers and ℕ₀ the non-negative integers. If b ∈ ℕ and Γ is a multiplicatively closed subset of b = / b , then the set H Γ = x | x + b Γ 1 is a multiplicative submonoid of ℕ known as a congruence monoid. An arithmetical congruence monoid (or ACM) is a congruence monoid where Γ = ā consists of a single element. If H Γ is an ACM, then we represent it with the notation M(a,b) = (a + bℕ₀) ∪ 1, where a, b ∈ ℕ and a² ≡ a (mod b). A classical 1954 result of James and Niven implies that the only ACM...

On the arithmetic of cross-ratios and generalised Mertens’ formulas

Jouni Parkkonen, Frédéric Paulin (2014)

Annales de la faculté des sciences de Toulouse Mathématiques

We develop the relation between hyperbolic geometry and arithmetic equidistribution problems that arises from the action of arithmetic groups on real hyperbolic spaces, especially in dimension 5 . We prove generalisations of Mertens’ formula for quadratic imaginary number fields and definite quaternion algebras over , counting results of quadratic irrationals with respect to two different natural complexities, and counting results of representations of (algebraic) integers by binary quadratic, Hermitian...

On the arithmetic of the hyperelliptic curve y 2 = x n + a

Kevser Aktaş, Hasan Şenay (2016)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

We study the arithmetic properties of hyperelliptic curves given by the affine equation y 2 = x n + a by exploiting the structure of the automorphism groups. We show that these curves satisfy Lang’s conjecture about the covering radius (for some special covering maps).

Currently displaying 1521 – 1540 of 3014