Displaying 1701 – 1720 of 3014

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On the correlation of families of pseudorandom sequences of k symbols

Kit-Ho Mak, Alexandru Zaharescu (2016)

Acta Arithmetica

In an earlier paper Gyarmati introduced the notion of f-correlation for families of binary pseudorandom sequences as a measure of randomness in the family. In this paper we generalize the f-correlation to families of pseudorandom sequences of k symbols and study its properties.

On the counting function for the generalized Niven numbers

Ryan Daileda, Jessica Jou, Robert Lemke-Oliver, Elizabeth Rossolimo, Enrique Treviño (2009)

Journal de Théorie des Nombres de Bordeaux

Given an integer base q 2 and a completely q -additive arithmetic function f taking integer values, we deduce an asymptotic expression for the counting function N f ( x ) = # 0 n < x | f ( n ) n under a mild restriction on the values of f . When f = s q , the base q sum of digits function, the integers counted by N f are the so-called base q Niven numbers, and our result provides a generalization of the asymptotic known in that case.

On the critical determinants of certain star bodies

Werner Georg Nowak (2017)

Communications in Mathematics

In a classic paper, W.G. Spohn established the to-date sharpest estimates from below for the simultaneous Diophantine approximation constants for three and more real numbers. As a by-result of his method which used Blichfeldt’s Theorem and the calculus of variations, he derived a bound for the critical determinant of the star body | x 1 | ( | x 1 | 3 + | x 2 | 3 + | x 3 | 3 ) 1 . In this little note, after a brief exposition of the basics of the geometry of numbers and its significance for Diophantine approximation, this latter result is improved...

On the cyclotomic elements in K₂ of a rational function field

Kejian Xu, Chaochao Sun, Shanjie Chi (2014)

Acta Arithmetica

If l is a prime number, the cyclotomic elements in the l-torsion of K₂(k(x)), where k(x) is the rational function field over k, are investigated. As a consequence, a conjecture of Browkin is partially confirmed.

Currently displaying 1701 – 1720 of 3014