Displaying 1721 – 1740 of 3014

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On the Davenport constant and group algebras

Daniel Smertnig (2010)

Colloquium Mathematicae

For a finite abelian group G and a splitting field K of G, let (G,K) denote the largest integer l ∈ ℕ for which there is a sequence S = g · . . . · g l over G such that ( X g - a ) · . . . · ( X g l - a l ) 0 K [ G ] for all a , . . . , a l K × . If (G) denotes the Davenport constant of G, then there is the straightforward inequality (G) - 1 ≤ (G,K). Equality holds for a variety of groups, and a conjecture of W. Gao et al. states that equality holds for all groups. We offer further groups for which equality holds, but we also give the first examples of groups G for which (G) -...

On the de Rham and p -adic realizations of the elliptic polylogarithm for CM elliptic curves

Kenichi Bannai, Shinichi Kobayashi, Takeshi Tsuji (2010)

Annales scientifiques de l'École Normale Supérieure

In this paper, we give an explicit description of the de Rham and p -adic polylogarithms for elliptic curves using the Kronecker theta function. In particular, consider an elliptic curve E defined over an imaginary quadratic field 𝕂 with complex multiplication by the full ring of integers 𝒪 𝕂 of 𝕂 . Note that our condition implies that 𝕂 has class number one. Assume in addition that E has good reduction above a prime p 5 unramified in 𝒪 𝕂 . In this case, we prove that the specializations of the p -adic elliptic...

On the Delta set of a singular arithmetical congruence monoid

Paul Baginski, Scott T. Chapman, George J. Schaeffer (2008)

Journal de Théorie des Nombres de Bordeaux

If a and b are positive integers with a b and a 2 a mod b , then the set M a , b = { x : x a mod b or x = 1 } is a multiplicative monoid known as an arithmetical congruence monoid (or ACM). For any monoid M with units M × and any x M M × we say that t is a factorization length of x if and only if there exist irreducible elements y 1 , ... , y t of M and x = y 1 y t . Let ( x ) = { t 1 , ... , t j } be the set of all such lengths (where t i < t i + 1 whenever i < j ). The Delta-set of the element x is defined as the set of gaps in ( x ) : Δ ( x ) = { t i + 1 - t i : 1 i < k } and the Delta-set of the monoid M is given by x M M × Δ ( x ) . We consider the Δ ( M ) when M = M a , b is an ACM with...

Currently displaying 1721 – 1740 of 3014