Displaying 281 – 300 of 384

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On the intersection graphs of ideals of direct product of rings

Nader Jafari Rad, Sayyed Heidar Jafari, Shamik Ghosh (2014)

Discussiones Mathematicae - General Algebra and Applications

In this paper we first calculate the number of vertices and edges of the intersection graph of ideals of direct product of rings and fields. Then we study Eulerianity and Hamiltonicity in the intersection graph of ideals of direct product of commutative rings.

On the intersection multiplicity of images under an etale morphism

Krzysztof Nowak (1998)

Colloquium Mathematicae

We present a formula for the intersection multiplicity of the images of two subvarieties under an etale morphism between smooth varieties over a field k. It is a generalization of Fulton's Example 8.2.5 from [3], where a strong additional assumption has been imposed. In a special case where the base field k is algebraically closed and a proper component of the intersection is a closed point, intersection multiplicity is an invariant of etale morphisms. This corresponds with analytic geometry where...

On the invariance of certain types of generalized Cohen-Macaulay modules under Foxby equivalence

Kosar Abolfath Beigi, Kamran Divaani-Aazar, Massoud Tousi (2022)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

Let R be a local ring and C a semidualizing module of R . We investigate the behavior of certain classes of generalized Cohen-Macaulay R -modules under the Foxby equivalence between the Auslander and Bass classes with respect to C . In particular, we show that generalized Cohen-Macaulay R -modules are invariant under this equivalence and if M is a finitely generated R -module in the Auslander class with respect to C such that C R M is surjective Buchsbaum, then M is also surjective Buchsbaum.

On the Jacobian ideal of the binary discriminant.

Carlos D'Andrea, Jaydeep Chipalkatti (2007)

Collectanea Mathematica

Let Δ denote the discriminant of the generic binary d-ic. We show that for d ≥ 3, the Jacobian ideal of Δ is perfect of height 2. Moreover we describe its SL2-equivariant minimal resolution and the associated differential equations satisfied by Δ. A similar result is proved for the resultant of two forms of orders d, e whenever d ≥ e-1. If Φn denotes the locus of binary forms with total root multiplicity ≥ d-n, then we show that the ideal of Φn is also perfect, and we construct a covariant which...

On the Jung method in positive characteristic

Olivier Piltant (2003)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

Let X ¯ be a germ of normal surface with local ring R ¯ covering a germ of regular surface X with local ring R of characteristic p > 0 . Given an extension of valuation rings W / V birationally dominating R ¯ / R , we study the existence of a new such pair of local rings R ¯ ' / R ' birationally dominating R ¯ / R , such that R ' is regular and R ¯ ' has only toric singularities. This is achieved when W / V is defectless or when [ W : V ] is equal to p

On the local uniformization problem

Josnei Novacoski, Mark Spivakovsky (2016)

Banach Center Publications

In this paper we give a short introduction to the local uniformization problem. This follows a similar line as the one presented by the second author in his talk at ALANT 3. We also discuss our paper on the reduction of local uniformization to the rank one case. In that paper, we prove that in order to obtain local uniformization for valuations centered at objects of a subcategory of the category of noetherian integral domains, it is enough to prove it for rank one valuations centered at objects...

On the maximal spectrum of commutative semiprimitive rings

K. Samei (2000)

Colloquium Mathematicae

The space of maximal ideals is studied on semiprimitive rings and reduced rings, and the relation between topological properties of Max(R) and algebric properties of the ring R are investigated. The socle of semiprimitive rings is characterized homologically, and it is shown that the socle is a direct sum of its localizations with respect to isolated maximal ideals. We observe that the Goldie dimension of a semiprimitive ring R is equal to the Suslin number of Max(R).

On the minimaxness and coatomicness of local cohomology modules

Marzieh Hatamkhani, Hajar Roshan-Shekalgourabi (2022)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

Let R be a commutative Noetherian ring, I an ideal of R and M an R -module. We wish to investigate the relation between vanishing, finiteness, Artinianness, minimaxness and 𝒞 -minimaxness of local cohomology modules. We show that if M is a minimax R -module, then the local-global principle is valid for minimaxness of local cohomology modules. This implies that if n is a nonnegative integer such that ( H I i ( M ) ) 𝔪 is a minimax R 𝔪 -module for all 𝔪 Max ( R ) and for all i < n , then the set Ass R ( H I n ( M ) ) is finite. Also, if H I i ( M ) is minimax for...

Currently displaying 281 – 300 of 384