Displaying 321 – 340 of 384

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On the regularity and defect sequence of monomial and binomial ideals

Keivan Borna, Abolfazl Mohajer (2019)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

When S is a polynomial ring or more generally a standard graded algebra over a field K , with homogeneous maximal ideal 𝔪 , it is known that for an ideal I of S , the regularity of powers of I becomes eventually a linear function, i.e., reg ( I m ) = d m + e for m 0 and some integers d , e . This motivates writing reg ( I m ) = d m + e m for every m 0 . The sequence e m , called the defect sequence of the ideal I , is the subject of much research and its nature is still widely unexplored. We know that e m is eventually constant. In this article, after...

On the ring of constants for derivations of power series rings in two variables

Leonid Makar-Limanov, Andrzej Nowicki (2001)

Colloquium Mathematicae

Let k[[x,y]] be the formal power series ring in two variables over a field k of characteristic zero and let d be a nonzero derivation of k[[x,y]]. We prove that if Ker(d) ≠ k then Ker(d) = Ker(δ), where δ is a jacobian derivation of k[[x,y]]. Moreover, Ker(d) is of the form k[[h]] for some h ∈ k[[x,y]].

On the rings of formal solutions of polynomial differential equations

Maria-Angeles Zurro (1998)

Banach Center Publications

The paper establishes the basic algebraic theory for the Gevrey rings. We prove the Hensel lemma, the Artin approximation theorem and the Weierstrass-Hironaka division theorem for them. We introduce a family of norms and we look at them as a family of analytic functions defined on some semialgebraic sets. This allows us to study the analytic and algebraic properties of this rings.

On the S-Euclidean minimum of an ideal class

Kevin J. McGown (2015)

Acta Arithmetica

We show that the S-Euclidean minimum of an ideal class is a rational number, generalizing a result of Cerri. In the proof, we actually obtain a slight refinement of this and give some corollaries which explain the relationship of our results with Lenstra's notion of a norm-Euclidean ideal class and the conjecture of Barnes and Swinnerton-Dyer on quadratic forms. In particular, we resolve a conjecture of Lenstra except when the S-units have rank one. The proof is self-contained but uses ideas from...

On the stable equivalence problem for k[x,y]

Robert Dryło (2011)

Colloquium Mathematicae

L. Makar-Limanov, P. van Rossum, V. Shpilrain and J.-T. Yu solved the stable equivalence problem for the polynomial ring k[x,y] when k is a field of characteristic 0. In this note we give an affirmative solution for an arbitrary field k.

On the structure of linear recurrent error-control codes

Michel Fliess (2002)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

We are extending to linear recurrent codes, i.e., to time-varying convolutional codes, most of the classic structural properties of fixed convolutional codes. We are also proposing a new connection between fixed convolutional codes and linear block codes. These results are obtained thanks to a module-theoretic framework which has been previously developed for linear control.

On the structure of linear recurrent error-control codes

Michel Fliess (2010)

ESAIM: Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations

We are extending to linear recurrent codes, i.e., to time-varying convolutional codes, most of the classic structural properties of fixed convolutional codes. We are also proposing a new connection between fixed convolutional codes and linear block codes. These results are obtained thanks to a module-theoretic framework which has been previously developed for linear control.

Currently displaying 321 – 340 of 384