Displaying 21 – 40 of 112

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Deforming syzygies of liftable modules and generalised Knörrer functors

Runar Ile (2007)

Collectanea Mathematica

Maps between deformation functors of modules are given which generalise the maps induced by the Knörrer functors. These maps become isomorphisms after introducing certain equations in the target functor restricting the Zariski tangent space. Explicit examples are given on how the isomorphisms extend results about deformation theory and classification of MCM modules to higher dimensions.

Degeneration of the Kummer sequence in characteristic p > 0

Yuji Tsuno (2010)

Journal de Théorie des Nombres de Bordeaux

We study a deformation of the Kummer sequence to the radicial sequence over an 𝔽 p -algebra, which is somewhat dual for the deformation of the Artin-Schreier sequence to the radicial sequence, studied by Saidi. We also discuss some relations between our sequences and the embedding of a finite flat commutative group scheme into a connected smooth affine commutative group schemes, constructed by Grothendieck.

Degree estimate for subalgebras generated by two elements

Leonid Makar-Limanov, Jie-Tai Yu (2008)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society

We develop a new combinatorial method to deal with a degree estimate for subalgebras generated by two elements in different environments. We obtain a lower bound for the degree of the elements in two-generated subalgebras of a free associative algebra over a field of zero characteristic. We also reproduce a somewhat refined degree estimate of Shestakov and Umirbaev for the polynomial algebra, which plays an essential role in the recent celebrated solution of the Nagata conjecture and the strong...

Depth and Stanley depth of the facet ideals of some classes of simplicial complexes

Xiaoqi Wei, Yan Gu (2017)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

Let Δ n , d (resp. Δ n , d ' ) be the simplicial complex and the facet ideal I n , d = ( x 1 x d , x d - k + 1 x 2 d - k , ... , x n - d + 1 x n ) (resp. J n , d = ( x 1 x d , x d - k + 1 x 2 d - k , ... , x n - 2 d + 2 k + 1 x n - d + 2 k , x n - d + k + 1 x n x 1 x k ) ). When d 2 k + 1 , we give the exact formulas to compute the depth and Stanley depth of quotient rings S / J n , d and S / I n , d t for all t 1 . When d = 2 k , we compute the depth and Stanley depth of quotient rings S / J n , d and S / I n , d , and give lower bounds for the depth and Stanley depth of quotient rings S / I n , d t for all t 1 .

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