Displaying 101 – 120 of 257

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Some results on the kernels of higher derivations on k[x,y] and k(x,y)

Norihiro Wada (2011)

Colloquium Mathematicae

Let k be a field and k[x,y] the polynomial ring in two variables over k. Let D be a higher k-derivation on k[x,y] and D̅ the extension of D on k(x,y). We prove that if the kernel of D is not equal to k, then the kernel of D̅ is equal to the quotient field of the kernel of D.

Some results on the local cohomology of minimax modules

Ahmad Abbasi, Hajar Roshan-Shekalgourabi, Dawood Hassanzadeh-Lelekaami (2014)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

Let R be a commutative Noetherian ring with identity and I an ideal of R . It is shown that, if M is a non-zero minimax R -module such that dim Supp H I i ( M ) 1 for all i , then the R -module H I i ( M ) is I -cominimax for all i . In fact, H I i ( M ) is I -cofinite for all i 1 . Also, we prove that for a weakly Laskerian R -module M , if R is local and t is a non-negative integer such that dim Supp H I i ( M ) 2 for all i < t , then Ext R j ( R / I , H I i ( M ) ) and Hom R ( R / I , H I t ( M ) ) are weakly Laskerian for all i < t and all j 0 . As a consequence, the set of associated primes of H I i ( M ) is finite for all i 0 , whenever dim R / I 2 and...

Some results on top local cohomology modules with respect to a pair of ideals

Saeed Jahandoust, Reza Naghipour (2020)

Mathematica Bohemica

Let I and J be ideals of a Noetherian local ring ( R , 𝔪 ) and let M be a nonzero finitely generated R -module. We study the relation between the vanishing of H I , J dim M ( M ) and the comparison of certain ideal topologies. Also, we characterize when the integral closure of an ideal relative to the Noetherian R -module M / J M is equal to its integral closure relative to the Artinian R -module H I , J dim M ( M ) .

Spaces of polynomial functions of bounded degrees on an embedded manifold and their duals

Shuzo Izumi (2015)

Annales Polonici Mathematici

Let (U) denote the algebra of holomorphic functions on an open subset U ⊂ ℂⁿ and Z ⊂ (U) its finite-dimensional vector subspace. By the theory of least spaces of de Boor and Ron, there exists a projection b from the local ring n , b onto the space Z b of germs of elements of Z at b. At a general point b ∈ U its kernel is an ideal and b induces the structure of an Artinian algebra on Z b . In particular, this holds at points where the kth jets of elements of Z form a vector bundle for each k ∈ ℕ. For an embedded...

Special isomorphisms of F [ x 1 , ... , x n ] preserving GCD and their use

Ladislav Skula (2009)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

On the ring R = F [ x 1 , , x n ] of polynomials in n variables over a field F special isomorphisms A ’s of R into R are defined which preserve the greatest common divisor of two polynomials. The ring R is extended to the ring S = F [ [ x 1 , , x n ] ] + and the ring T = F [ [ x 1 , , x n ] ] of generalized polynomials in such a way that the exponents of the variables are non-negative rational numbers and rational numbers, respectively. The isomorphisms A ’s are extended to automorphisms B ’s of the ring S . Using the property that the isomorphisms A ’s preserve GCD it...

Currently displaying 101 – 120 of 257