Displaying 161 – 180 of 256

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Submersions and effective descent of étale morphisms

David Rydh (2010)

Bulletin de la Société Mathématique de France

Using the flatification by blow-up result of Raynaud and Gruson, we obtain new results for submersive and subtrusive morphisms. We show that universally subtrusive morphisms, and in particular universally open morphisms, are morphisms of effective descent for the fibered category of étale morphisms. Our results extend and supplement previous treatments on submersive morphisms by Grothendieck, Picavet and Voevodsky. Applications include the universality of geometric quotients and the elimination...

Submodule of free Z-module

Yuichi Futa, Hiroyuki Okazaki, Yasunari Shidama (2013)

Formalized Mathematics

In this article, we formalize a free Z-module and its property. In particular, we formalize the vector space of rational field corresponding to a free Z-module and prove formally that submodules of a free Z-module are free. Z-module is necassary for lattice problems - LLL (Lenstra, Lenstra and Lov´asz) base reduction algorithm and cryptographic systems with lattice [20]. Some theorems in this article are described by translating theorems in [11] into theorems of Z-module, however their proofs are...

Sugli ideali di Borel

Maria Grazia Marinari (2001)

Bollettino dell'Unione Matematica Italiana

In this note we study some algebraic properties of Borel Ideals in the ring of polynomials over an effective field of characteristic zero by using a suitable partial order relation defined on the set of terms of each degree. In particular, in the three variable case, we characterize all the 0-dimensional Borel ideals corresponding to an admissible h -vector and their minimal free resolutions.

Currently displaying 161 – 180 of 256