Displaying 221 – 240 of 807

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Smoothing of rational m-ropes

Edoardo Ballico, Elizabeth Gasparim, Thomas Köppe (2009)

Open Mathematics

In a recent paper, Gallego, González and Purnaprajna showed that rational 3-ropes can be smoothed. We generalise their proof, and obtain smoothability of rational m-ropes for m ≥ 3.

Smoothing of real algebraic hypersurfaces by rigid isotopies

Alexander Nabutovsky (1991)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

Define for a smooth compact hypersurface M n of R n + 1 its crumpleness κ ( M n ) as the ratio diam R n + 1 ( M n ) / r ( M n ) , where r ( M n ) is the distance from M n to its central set. (In other words, r ( M n ) is the maximal radius of an open non-selfintersecting tube around M n in R n + 1 . ) We prove that any n -dimensional non-singular compact algebraic hypersurface of degree d is rigidly isotopic to an algebraic hypersurface of degree d and of crumpleness exp ( c ( n ) d α ( n ) d n + 1 ) . Here c ( n ) , α ( n ) depend only on n , and rigid isotopy means an isotopy passing only through hypersurfaces of degree...

Solution d'une conjecture de C. Berenstein - A. Yger et invariants de contact à l'infini

Michel Hickel (2001)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

Soient k un corps commutatif et I = ( p 1 , , p m ) k n [ X ] un idéal de l’anneau des polynômes k [ X 1 , , X n ] (éventuellement I = k n [ X ] ). Nous prouvons une conjecture de C. Berenstein - A. Yger qui affirme que pour tout polynôme p , élément de la clôture intégrale I ¯ de l’idéal I , on a une représentation p m = 1 i m p i q i , avec max deg ( q i p i ) m deg p + m d 1 d m , d i = deg p i , 1 i m .

Currently displaying 221 – 240 of 807