Displaying 241 – 260 of 304

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Local Indecomposability of Hilbert Modular Galois Representations

Bin Zhao (2014)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

We prove the indecomposability of the Galois representation restricted to the p -decomposition group attached to a non CM nearly p -ordinary weight two Hilbert modular form over a totally real field F under the assumption that either the degree of F over is odd or the automorphic representation attached to the Hilbert modular form is square integrable at some finite place of F .

Local monomialization of transcendental extensions

Steven Dale CUTKOSKY (2005)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

Suppose that R S are regular local rings which are essentially of finite type over a field k of characteristic zero. If V is a valuation ring of the quotient field K of S which dominates S , then we show that there are sequences of monoidal transforms (blow ups of regular primes) R R 1 and S S 1 along V such that R 1 S 1 is a monomial mapping. It follows that a morphism of nonsingular varieties can be made to be a monomial mapping along a valuation, after blow ups of nonsingular subvarieties.

Local symplectic algebra of quasi-homogeneous curves

Wojciech Domitrz (2009)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

We study the local symplectic algebra of parameterized curves introduced by V. I. Arnold. We use the method of algebraic restrictions to classify symplectic singularities of quasi-homogeneous curves. We prove that the space of algebraic restrictions of closed 2-forms to the germ of a 𝕂-analytic curve is a finite-dimensional vector space. We also show that the action of local diffeomorphisms preserving the quasi-homogeneous curve on this vector space is determined by the infinitesimal action of...

Currently displaying 241 – 260 of 304