Displaying 261 – 280 of 304

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Local volumes of Cartier divisors over normal algebraic varieties

Mihai Fulger (2013)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

In this paper we study a notion of local volume for Cartier divisors on arbitrary blow-ups of normal complex algebraic varieties of dimension greater than one, with a distinguished point. We apply this to study an invariant for normal isolated singularities, generalizing a volume defined by J. Wahl for surfaces. We also compare this generalization to a different one arising in recent work of T. de Fernex, S. Boucksom, and C. Favre.

Local-global divisibility of rational points in some commutative algebraic groups

Roberto Dvornicich, Umberto Zannier (2001)

Bulletin de la Société Mathématique de France

Let 𝒜 be a commutative algebraic group defined over a number field  k . We consider the following question:Let r be a positive integer and let P 𝒜 ( k ) . Suppose that for all but a finite number of primes v of k , we have P = r D v for some D v 𝒜 ( k v ) . Can one conclude that there exists D 𝒜 ( k ) such that P = r D ?A complete answer for the case of the multiplicative group 𝔾 m is classical. We study other instances and in particular obtain an affirmative answer when r is a prime and  𝒜 is either an elliptic curve or a torus of small dimension...

Local-global principle for certain biquadratic normic bundles

Yang Cao, Yongqi Liang (2014)

Acta Arithmetica

Let X be a proper smooth variety having an affine open subset defined by the normic equation N k ( a , b ) / k ( x ) = Q ( t , . . . , t ) ² over a number field k. We prove that: (1) the failure of the local-global principle for zero-cycles is controlled by the Brauer group of X; (2) the analogue for rational points is also valid assuming Schinzel’s hypothesis.

Local-global principle for congruence subgroups of Chevalley groups

Himanee Apte, Alexei Stepanov (2014)

Open Mathematics

Suslin’s local-global principle asserts that if a matrix over a polynomial ring vanishes modulo the independent variable and is locally elementary then it is elementary. In this article we prove Suslin’s local-global principle for principal congruence subgroups of Chevalley groups. This result is a common generalization of the result of Abe for the absolute case and Apte, Chattopadhyay and Rao for classical groups. For the absolute case the localglobal principle was recently obtained by Petrov and...

Local-global principle for quadratic forms over fraction fields of two-dimensional henselian domains

Yong HU (2012)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

Let R be a 2-dimensional normal excellent henselian local domain in which 2 is invertible and let L and k be its fraction field and residue field respectively. Let Ω R be the set of rank 1 discrete valuations of L corresponding to codimension 1 points of regular proper models of Spec R . We prove that a quadratic form q over L satisfies the local-global principle with respect to Ω R in the following two cases: (1) q has rank 3 or 4; (2) q has rank 5 and R = A [ [ y ] ] , where A is a complete discrete valuation ring with...

Local-global principle for Witt equivalence of function fields over global fields

Przemyslaw Koprowski (2002)

Colloquium Mathematicae

We examine the conditions for two algebraic function fields over global fields to be Witt equivalent. We develop a criterion solving the problem which is analogous to the local-global principle for Witt equivalence of global fields obtained by R. Perlis, K. Szymiczek, P. E. Conner and R. Litherland [12]. Subsequently, we derive some immediate consequences of this result. In particular we show that Witt equivalence of algebraic function fields (that have rational places) over global fields implies...

Localisation formelle et groupe de Picard

Jean Fresnel, Marius Van Der Put (1983)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

Soient X un espace analytique affinoïde réduit sur un corps K complet pour une valeur absolue non archimédienne, r : X X ^ sa réduction canonique et p X ^ un point de la variété algébrique affine X ^ . Ce travail décrit la singularité du point p à l’aide d’objets associés à l’espace X : la localisation formelle 𝒪 X , ( p ) qui est une K -algèbre noethérienne de spectre maximal r - 1 ( p ) et dont la réduction est 𝒪 X ^ , ( p )  ; un complété formel 𝒪 X , ( p ) qui est une K -algèbre noethérienne dont la réduction est 𝒪 X ^ , ( p ) . Les résultats essentiels sont obtenus...

Localizations for construction of quantum coset spaces

Zoran Škoda (2003)

Banach Center Publications

Viewing comodule algebras as the noncommutative analogues of affine varieties with affine group actions, we propose rudiments of a localization approach to nonaffine Hopf algebraic quotients of noncommutative affine varieties corresponding to comodule algebras. After reviewing basic background on noncommutative localizations, we introduce localizations compatible with coactions. Coinvariants of these localized coactions give local information about quotients. We define Zariski locally trivial quantum...

Local-to-global extensions of representations of fundamental groups

Nicholas M. Katz (1986)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

Let K be a field of characteristic p > 0 , C a proper, smooth, geometrically connected curve over K , and 0 and two K -rational points on C . We show that any representation of the local Galois group at extends to a representation of the fundamental group of C - { 0 , } which is tamely ramified at 0, provided either that K is separately closed or that C is P 1 . In the latter case, we show there exists a unique such extension, called “canonical”, with the property that the image of the geometric fundamental group...

Currently displaying 261 – 280 of 304