Improper intersection of analytic curves.
We give new arguments that improve the known upper bounds on the maximal number of rational points of a curve of genus over a finite field , for a number of pairs . Given a pair and an integer , we determine the possible zeta functions of genus- curves over with points, and then deduce properties of the curves from their zeta functions. In many cases we can show that a genus- curve over with points must have a low-degree map to another curve over , and often this is enough to...
Let be a desingularization of a normal surface . The group Pic is provided with an order relation , defined by . for any effective exceptional divisor . Comparing to the usual order relation we define the ceiling of which is an exceptional divisor. This notion allows us to improve the usual vanishing theorem and we deduce from it a numerical criterion for rationality and a genus formula for a curve on a normal surface; the difficulty lies in the case of a Weil divisor which is not a Cartier...
We study the possible dimension vectors of indecomposable parabolic bundles on the projective line, and use our answer to solve the problem of characterizing those collections of conjugacy classes of n×n matrices for which one can find matrices in their closures whose product is equal to the identity matrix. Both answers depend on the root system of a Kac-Moody Lie algebra. Our proofs use Ringel’s theory of tubular algebras, work of Mihai on the existence of logarithmic connections, the Riemann-Hilbert...
Nous désirons savoir si l’opérateur différentiel d’ordre , où est une matrice à coefficients rationnels, a un indice dans l’espace des fonctions analytiques dans une boule; dans le cas où cet indice existe nous voulons aussi le calculer. Dans le cas où nous montrons l’existence d’un indice (si l’exposant de l’opérateur n’est pas Liouville -adique) et nous montrons comment calculer cet indice. De même nous savons montrer l’existence d’un indice et comment calculer cet indice lorsque le système...
A formula of Matsuo Oka (1990) expresses the Milnor number of a germ of a complex analytic map with a generic principal part in terms of the Newton polyhedra of the components of the map. In this paper this formula is generalized to the case of the index of a 1-form on a local complete intersection singularity (Theorem 1.10, Corollaries 1.11, 4.1). In particular, the Newton polyhedron of a 1-form is defined (Definition 1.6). This also simplifies the Oka formula in some particular cases (Propositions...