Displaying 41 – 60 of 356

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Definable stratification satisfying the Whitney property with exponent 1

Beata Kocel-Cynk (2007)

Annales Polonici Mathematici

We prove that for a finite collection of sets A , . . . , A s k + n definable in an o-minimal structure there exists a compatible definable stratification such that for any stratum the fibers of its projection onto k satisfy the Whitney property with exponent 1.

Deformation of holomorphic maps onto Fano manifolds of second and fourth Betti numbers 1

Jun-Muk Hwang (2007)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

Let X be a Fano manifold with b 2 = 1 different from the projective space such that any two surfaces in X have proportional fundamental classes in H 4 ( X , C ) . Let f : Y X be a surjective holomorphic map from a projective variety Y . We show that all deformations of f with Y and X fixed, come from automorphisms of X . The proof is obtained by studying the geometry of the integral varieties of the multi-valued foliation defined by the variety of minimal rational tangents of X .

Deformation Theory (Lecture Notes)

M. Doubek, Martin Markl, Petr Zima (2007)

Archivum Mathematicum

First three sections of this overview paper cover classical topics of deformation theory of associative algebras and necessary background material. We then analyze algebraic structures of the Hochschild cohomology and describe the relation between deformations and solutions of the corresponding Maurer-Cartan equation. In Section  we generalize the Maurer-Cartan equation to strongly homotopy Lie algebras and prove the homotopy invariance of the moduli space of solutions of this equation. In the last...

Currently displaying 41 – 60 of 356