Displaying 101 – 120 of 237

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Genres de Todd et valeurs aux entiers des dérivées de fonctions L

Christophe Soulé (2005/2006)

Séminaire Bourbaki

La géométrie d’Arakelov étudie les fibrés vectoriels sur une variété algébrique X définie sur les entiers, munis d’une métrique hermitienne lisse sur le fibré holomorphe associé (sur la variété analytique des points complexes de X ). Un théorème de “Riemann-Roch arithmétique” calcule le covolume du réseau euclidien des sections globales d’un tel fibré. Dans cette formule, le genre de Todd comporte un terme complémentaire, défini par une série formelle dont les coefficients font intervenir les valeurs...

Genus 3 normal coverings of the Riemann sphere branched over 4 points.

Yolanda Fuertes, Manfred Streit (2006)

Revista Matemática Iberoamericana

In this paper we study the 5 families of genus 3 compact Riemann surfaces which are normal coverings of the Riemann sphere branched over 4 points from very different aspects: their moduli spaces, the uniform Belyi functions that factorize through the quotient by the automorphism groups and the Weierstrass points of the non hyperelliptic families.

Geography of log models: theory and applications

Vyacheslav Shokurov, Sung Choi (2011)

Open Mathematics

This is an introduction to geography of log models with applications to positive cones of Fano type (FT) varieties and to geometry of minimal models and Mori fibrations.

Geometric and categorical nonabelian duality in complex geometry

Siegmund Kosarew (2002)

Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa - Classe di Scienze

The Leitmotiv of this work is to find suitable notions of dual varieties in a general sense. We develop the basic elements of a duality theory for varieties and complex spaces, by adopting a geometric and a categorical point of view. One main feature is to prove a biduality property for each notion which is achieved in most cases.

Geometric genera for ample vector bundles with regular sections.

Antonio Lanteri (2000)

Revista Matemática Complutense

Let X be a smooth complex projective variety of dimension n ≥ 3. A notion of geometric genus pg(X,E) for ample vector bundles E of rank r < n on X admitting some regular sections is introduced. The following inequality holds: pg(X,E) ≥ hn-r,0(X). The question of characterizing equality is discussed and the answer is given for E decomposable of corank 2. Some conjectures suggested by the result are formulated.

Geometric Invariant Theory and Generalized Eigenvalue Problem II

Nicolas Ressayre (2011)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

Let G be a connected reductive subgroup of a complex connected reductive group G ^ . Fix maximal tori and Borel subgroups of G and G ^ . Consider the cone ( G , G ^ ) generated by the pairs ( ν , ν ^ ) of strictly dominant characters such that V ν * is a submodule of V ν ^ . We obtain a bijective parametrization of the faces of ( G , G ^ ) as a consequence of general results on GIT-cones. We show how to read the inclusion of faces off this parametrization.

Geometric linear normality for nodal curves on some projective surfaces

F. Flamini, C. Madonna (2001)

Bollettino dell'Unione Matematica Italiana

In questo lavoro si generalizzano alcuni risultati di [3] riguardanti la proprietà di alcune curve nodali, su superficie non-singolari in P r , di essere «geometricamente linearmente normali» (concetto che estende la ben nota proprietà di essere linearmente normale). Precisamente, per una data curva C , irriducibile e dotata di soli punti nodali come uniche singolarità, che giace su una superfice S proiettiva, non-singolare e linearmente normale, si determina un limite superiore «sharp» sul numero dei...

Currently displaying 101 – 120 of 237