Displaying 61 – 80 of 114

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On ramified covers of the projective plane II: Generalizing Segre’s theory

Michael Friedman, Rebecca Lehman, Maxim Leyenson, Mina Teicher (2012)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society

The classical Segre theory gives a necessary and sufficient condition for a plane curve to be a branch curve of a (generic) projection of a smooth surface in 3 . We generalize this result for smooth surfaces in a projective space of any dimension in the following way: given two plane curves, B and E , we give a necessary and sufficient condition for B to be the branch curve of a surface X in N and E to be the image of the double curve of a 3 -model of X . In the classical Segre theory, a plane curve...

On the intrinsic geometry of a unit vector field

Yampolsky, Alexander L. Yampolsky, Alexander L. (2002)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

We study the geometrical properties of a unit vector field on a Riemannian 2-manifold, considering the field as a local imbedding of the manifold into its tangent sphere bundle with the Sasaki metric. For the case of constant curvature K , we give a description of the totally geodesic unit vector fields for K = 0 and K = 1 and prove a non-existence result for K 0 , 1 . We also found a family ξ ω of vector fields on the hyperbolic 2-plane L 2 of curvature - c 2 which generate foliations on T 1 L 2 with leaves of constant intrinsic...

Points rationnels et groupes fondamentaux : applications de la cohomologie p -adique

Antoine Chambert-loir (2002/2003)

Séminaire Bourbaki

Je présenterai des résultats de T. Ekedahl et H. Esnault sur les variétés projectives lisses sur un corps de caractéristique strictement positive, disons p , dont deux points peuvent être liés par une chaîne de courbes rationnelles, par exemple faiblement unirationnelles, ou de Fano. Notamment : 1) sur un corps fini, de telles variétés ont un point rationnel, résultat qui généralise le théorème de Chevalley-Warning ; 2) sur un corps algébriquement clos, de telles variétés ont un groupe fondamental...

Currently displaying 61 – 80 of 114