Displaying 601 – 620 of 634

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Vector bundles on non-Kaehler elliptic principal bundles

Vasile Brînzănescu, Andrei D. Halanay, Günther Trautmann (2013)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

We study relatively semi-stable vector bundles and their moduli on non-Kähler principal elliptic bundles over compact complex manifolds of arbitrary dimension. The main technical tools used are the twisted Fourier-Mukai transform and a spectral cover construction. For the important example of such principal bundles, the numerical invariants of a 3-dimensional non-Kähler elliptic principal bundle over a primary Kodaira surface are computed.

Vector bundles on plane cubic curves and the classical Yang–Baxter equation

Igor Burban, Thilo Henrich (2015)

Journal of the European Mathematical Society

In this article, we develop a geometric method to construct solutions of the classical Yang–Baxter equation, attaching a family of classical r -matrices to the Weierstrass family of plane cubic curves and a pair of coprime positive integers. It turns out that all elliptic r -matrices arise in this way from smooth cubic curves. For the cuspidal cubic curve, we prove that the obtained solutions are rational and compute them explicitly. We also describe them in terms of Stolin’s classication and prove...

Currently displaying 601 – 620 of 634