Abelian modules.
Let H be a Hopf algebra over a field k such that every finite-dimensional (left) H-module is semisimple. We give a counterpart of the first fundamental theorem of the classical invariant theory for locally finite, finitely generated (commutative) H-module algebras, and for local, complete H-module algebras. Also, we prove that if H acts on the k-algebra A = k[[X₁,...,Xₙ]] in such a way that the unique maximal ideal in A is invariant, then the algebra of invariants is a noetherian Cohen-Macaulay...
Let R be a parabolic subgroup in . It acts on its unipotent radical and on any unipotent normal subgroup U via conjugation. Let Λ be the path algebra of a directed Dynkin quiver of type with t vertices and B a subbimodule of the radical of Λ viewed as a Λ-bimodule. Each parabolic subgroup R is the group of automorphisms of an algebra Λ(d), which is Morita equivalent to Λ. The action of R on U can be described using matrices over the bimodule B. The advantage of this description is that each...
We connect the theorems of Rentschler [rR68] and Dixmier [jD68] on locally nilpotent derivations and automorphisms of the polynomial ring and of the Weyl algebra , both over a field of characteristic zero, by establishing the same type of results for the family of algebras where is an arbitrary polynomial in . In the second part of the paper we consider a field of prime characteristic and study comodule algebra structures on . We also compute the Makar-Limanov invariant of absolute constants...
A module is called uniserial if it has totally ordered submodules in inclusion. We describe direct summands of for a uniserial module . It appears that any such a summand is isomorphic to a direct sum of copies of at most two uniserial modules.
We give a comment to Theorem 1.1 published in our paper “Ring elements as sums of units” [Cent. Eur. J. Math., 2009, 7(3), 395–399].
Addendum to the author's article "Rings whose modules have maximal submodules", which appeared in Publicacions Matemàtiques 39, 1 (1995), 201-214.
We list some typos and minor correction that in no way affect the main results of Rings with zero intersection property on annihilators: Zip rings (Publicacions Matemàtiques 33, 2 (1989), pp. 329-338), e.g., nothing stated in the abstract is affected.
Additive deformations of bialgebras in the sense of J. Wirth [PhD thesis, Université Paris VI, 2002], i.e. deformations of the multiplication map fulfilling a certain compatibility condition with respect to the coalgebra structure, can be generalized to braided bialgebras. The theorems for additive deformations of Hopf algebras can also be carried over to that case. We consider *-structures and prove a general Schoenberg correspondence in this context. Finally we give some examples.