Displaying 2441 – 2460 of 3959

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Radicals which define factorization systems

Barry J. Gardner (1991)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

A method due to Fay and Walls for associating a factorization system with a radical is examined for associative rings. It is shown that a factorization system results if and only if the radical is strict and supernilpotent. For groups and non-associative rings, no radical defines a factorization system.

Rad-supplemented modules

Engin Büyükaşik, Engin Mermut, Salahattin Özdemir (2010)

Rendiconti del Seminario Matematico della Università di Padova

Range inclusion results for derivations on noncommutative Banach algebras

Volker Runde (1993)

Studia Mathematica

Let A be a Banach algebra, and let D : A → A be a (possibly unbounded) derivation. We are interested in two problems concerning the range of D: 1. When does D map into the (Jacobson) radical of A? 2. If [a,Da] = 0 for some a ∈ A, is Da necessarily quasinilpotent? We prove that derivations satisfying certain polynomial identities map into the radical. As an application, we show that if [a,[a,[a,Da]]] lies in the prime radical of A for all a ∈ A, then D maps into the radical. This generalizes a result...

Rank additivity for quasi-tilted algebras of canonical type

Thomas Hübner (1998)

Colloquium Mathematicae

Given the category X of coherent sheaves over a weighted projective line X = X ( λ , p ) (of any representation type), the endomorphism ring Σ = ( 𝒯 ) of an arbitrary tilting sheaf - which is by definition an almost concealed canonical algebra - is shown to satisfy a rank additivity property (Theorem 3.2). Moreover, this property extends to the representationinfinite quasi-tilted algebras of canonical type (Theorem 4.2). Finally, it is demonstrated that rank additivity does not generalize to the case of tilting complexes...

Rank and perimeter preserver of rank-1 matrices over max algebra

Seok-Zun Song, Kyung-Tae Kang (2003)

Discussiones Mathematicae - General Algebra and Applications

For a rank-1 matrix A = a b t over max algebra, we define the perimeter of A as the number of nonzero entries in both a and b. We characterize the linear operators which preserve the rank and perimeter of rank-1 matrices over max algebra. That is, a linear operator T preserves the rank and perimeter of rank-1 matrices if and only if it has the form T(A) = U ⊗ A ⊗ V, or T ( A ) = U A t V with some monomial matrices U and V.

Rational semimodules over the max-plus semiring and geometric approach to discrete event systems

Stéphane Gaubert, Ricardo Katz (2004)


We introduce rational semimodules over semirings whose addition is idempotent, like the max-plus semiring, in order to extend the geometric approach of linear control to discrete event systems. We say that a subsemimodule of the free semimodule 𝒮 n over a semiring 𝒮 is rational if it has a generating family that is a rational subset of 𝒮 n , 𝒮 n being thought of as a monoid under the entrywise product. We show that for various semirings of max-plus type whose elements are integers, rational semimodules...

Rational smoothness of varieties of representations for quivers of Dynkin type

Philippe Caldero, Ralf Schiffler (2004)

Annales de l’institut Fourier

We study the Zariski closures of orbits of representations of quivers of type A , D ou E . With the help of Lusztig’s canonical base, we characterize the rationally smooth orbit closures and prove in particular that orbit closures are smooth if and only if they are rationally smooth.

Real representations of quivers

Lidia Hügeli, Sverre Smalø (1999)

Colloquium Mathematicae

The Dynkin and the extended Dynkin graphs are characterized by representations over the real numbers.

Recent progress in special Colombeau algebras: geometry, topology, and algebra

M. Kunzinger (2010)

Banach Center Publications

Over the past few years there has been considerable progress in the structural understanding of special Colombeau algebras. We present some of the main trends in this development: non-smooth differential geometry, locally convex theory of modules over the ring of generalized numbers, and algebraic aspects of Colombeau theory. Some open problems are given and directions of further research are outlined.

Recent results on quiver sheaves

Andreas Laudin, Alexander Schmitt (2012)

Open Mathematics

In this article, we survey recent work on the construction and geometry of representations of a quiver in the category of coherent sheaves on a projective algebraic manifold. We will also prove new results in the case of the quiver • ← • → •.

Recognizing dualizing complexes

Peter Jørgensen (2003)

Fundamenta Mathematicae

Let A be a noetherian local commutative ring and let M be a suitable complex of A-modules. It is proved that M is a dualizing complex for A if and only if the trivial extension A ⋉ M is a Gorenstein differential graded algebra. As a corollary, A has a dualizing complex if and only if it is a quotient of a Gorenstein local differential graded algebra.

Currently displaying 2441 – 2460 of 3959