Displaying 2861 – 2880 of 3959

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Sur une algèbre Q-symétrique

A. Guichardet (1997)

Annales Polonici Mathematici

We establish several properties of a quadratic algebra over a field k, which is a deformation of the symmetric algebra Sk³. In particular, we prove that A is an integral domain, noetherian and Koszul; we compute its first Hochschild cohomology group; we determine the corresponding Poisson structure on k³ and its symplectic leaves; we define an involution on A and describe the corresponding irreducible involutive representations.

Sylow P-Subgroups of Abelian Group Rings

Danchev, P. (2003)

Serdica Mathematical Journal

2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary 20C07, 20K10, 20K20, 20K21; Secondary 16U60, 16S34.Let PG be the abelian modular group ring of the abelian group G over the abelian ring P with 1 and prime char P = p. In the present article,the p-primary components Up(PG) and S(PG) of the groups of units U(PG) and V(PG) are classified for some major classes of abelian groups. Suppose K is a first kind field with respect to p in char K ≠ p and A is an abelian p-group. In the present work, the p-primary...

Symmetric and reversible properties of bi-amalgamated rings

Antonysamy Aruldoss, Chelliah Selvaraj (2024)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

Let f : A B and g : A C be two ring homomorphisms and let K and K ' be two ideals of B and C , respectively, such that f - 1 ( K ) = g - 1 ( K ' ) . We investigate unipotent, symmetric and reversible properties of the bi-amalgamation ring A f , g ( K , K ' ) of A with ( B , C ) along ( K , K ' ) with respect to ( f , g ) .

Symmetric Hochschild extension algebras

Yosuke Ohnuki, Kaoru Takeda, Kunio Yamagata (1999)

Colloquium Mathematicae

By an extension algebra of a finite-dimensional K-algebra A we mean a Hochschild extension algebra of A by the dual A-bimodule H o m K ( A , K ) . We study the problem of when extension algebras of a K-algebra A are symmetric. (1) For an algebra A= KQ/I with an arbitrary finite quiver Q, we show a sufficient condition in terms of a 2-cocycle for an extension algebra to be symmetric. (2) Let L be a finite extension field of K. By using a given 2-cocycle of the K-algebra L, we construct a 2-cocycle of the K-algebra...

Systèmes dynamiques contraints : l'approche homologique

Michel Dubois-Violette (1987)

Annales de l'institut Fourier

On décrit une approche homologique des systèmes dynamiques contraints. Cette approche, directement inspirée des travaux de D. McMullan et de M. Henneaux concernant le formalisme de Batalin, Fradkin et Vilkovisky, contient une interprétation des fantômes et de leurs conjugués. Dans le cadre des systèmes dans l’espace des phases, la construction se fait en deux étapes. La première étape consiste à construire une algèbre différentielle graduée dont la cohomologie en degré zéro est l’espace des observables...

Currently displaying 2861 – 2880 of 3959