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Automorphism group of green algebra of weak Hopf algebra corresponding to Sweedler Hopf algebra

Liufeng Cao, Dong Su, Hua Yao (2023)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

Let r ( 𝔴 2 0 ) be the Green ring of the weak Hopf algebra 𝔴 2 0 corresponding to Sweedler’s 4-dimensional Hopf algebra H 2 , and let Aut ( R ( 𝔴 2 0 ) ) be the automorphism group of the Green algebra R ( 𝔴 2 0 ) = r ( 𝔴 2 0 ) . We show that the quotient group Aut ( R ( 𝔴 2 0 ) ) / C 2 S 3 , where C 2 contains the identity map and is isomorphic to the infinite group ( * , × ) and S 3 is the symmetric group of order 6.

Automorphism group of representation ring of the weak Hopf algebra H 8 ˜

Dong Su, Shilin Yang (2018)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

Let H 8 be the unique noncommutative and noncocommutative eight dimensional semi-simple Hopf algebra. We first construct a weak Hopf algebra H 8 ˜ based on H 8 , then we investigate the structure of the representation ring of H 8 ˜ . Finally, we prove that the automorphism group of r ( H 8 ˜ ) is just isomorphic to D 6 , where D 6 is the dihedral group with order 12.

Automorphism liftable modules

Chelliah Selvaraj, Sudalaimuthu Santhakumar (2018)

Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae

We introduce the notion of an automorphism liftable module and give a characterization to it. We prove that category equivalence preserves automorphism liftable. Furthermore, we characterize semisimple rings, perfect rings, hereditary rings and quasi-Frobenius rings by properties of automorphism liftable modules. Also, we study automorphism liftable modules with summand sum property (SSP) and summand intersection property (SIP).

Automorphisms and generalized skew derivations which are strong commutativity preserving on polynomials in prime and semiprime rings

Vincenzo de Filippis (2016)

Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal

Let R be a prime ring of characteristic different from 2, Q r its right Martindale quotient ring and C its extended centroid. Suppose that F , G are generalized skew derivations of R with the same associated automorphism α , and p ( x 1 , ... , x n ) is a non-central polynomial over C such that [ F ( x ) , α ( y ) ] = G ( [ x , y ] ) for all x , y { p ( r 1 , ... , r n ) : r 1 , ... , r n R } . Then there exists λ C such that F ( x ) = G ( x ) = λ α ( x ) for all x R .

Automorphisms of completely primary finite rings of characteristic p

Chiteng'a John Chikunji (2008)

Colloquium Mathematicae

A completely primary ring is a ring R with identity 1 ≠ 0 whose subset of zero-divisors forms the unique maximal ideal . We determine the structure of the group of automorphisms Aut(R) of a completely primary finite ring R of characteristic p, such that if is the Jacobson radical of R, then ³ = (0), ² ≠ (0), the annihilator of coincides with ² and R / G F ( p r ) , the finite field of p r elements, for any prime p and any positive integer r.

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